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Do you make your bed in the morning?

by Dilara (follow)
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Do you make your bed every morning so that it looks neat and tidy or do you leave it messy seeing as though you are going to use it in the night again?

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I make it every morning. It looks pretty that way. It's easy though, as I generally just use a doona, so giving it a shake when I get up is relatively easy.
:) exactly
by jonaja
Nope. I used to but these days I can't be bothered. I will teach my kids to do it if they are staying at someone else's house (except the day they are leaving, then strip the bed instead) but at home I don't care whether they do or not.
My mum could certainly learn something from you Jennifer!
by Vee
by Vee
I give it a pull over, because the covers I have are very nice, and work well.
I fully make the bed 3 times a week so all up it always looks just fine.
I like to use a real bedspread, so it looks neat.
A real bedspread as opposed to what?
ok Jennifer this has gone on long enough, and you know what I am talking about.
Give it a rest please. :)
by jonaja
As opposed to a Doona!

A (real bedspread) is fitted more, and one has to give it a bit more attention.They are heavy, and slightly (old fashioned) e.g. as in the pic I left.
by jonaja
Real bedspreads look nice and add warmth too in winter and a lighter bedspread in summer can be the only cover over me...
by brigi
by jonaja
I always make my bed. My grandmother's training I suppose!
Yes, I do - it's just part of the routine and has been since I was a teenager..
I prefer my bed to look neat and tidy but as I have been blessed with a messy husband, a threenager and a cat.... fat chance! So I have lowered my standards, accepted the inevitable and nowadays, if I can pull the covers straight from bottom to top before midday, I am happy.
Yes, I generally always make my bed in the morning after I walk the dogs!

I hate leaving a bed unmade and think it looks very sloppy and it would annoy me all day if it were not made!

There have been rare occasions when I did not make it however they are very rare -even when in a hurry I pull up the blankets, and if I am going to be home all day, I put extra pillows on, and I have about 7 teddy bears, which also go on!
by Finy
Make the bed, tidy it up, the bed straightened up tidies the whole bedroom, The rest can look messy but if the bed is neat that transforms the bedroom, when it looks nice it is more inviting to hop in later!
Yes, definitely a must. It makes the room look tidy if the bed is made.

Definitely, can't stand a messy bedroom. My husband died recently. I miss him so much, and decided I had to have a project or I would go mad. I did something I've always wanted to do and re-designed my bedroom in a glam, art deco style (which my husband would have laughed at, he was extremely practical). This project is almost complete and the bedroom looks amazing (at least I think so) so, yes, I shake out the doona every day as I don't want to spoil the look of the room.
I make it every day. Mum always taught us that it prevented any creepy crawlies making themselves at home in it if it was properly made. Something I always do when camping as well.
Make it

Not a full remake but I do pull it all up and smooth it down to make it tidy.
by Rice
I love to make my bed every morning.
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