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Do you make ice cream at home?

by Sharm Jay (follow)
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If you have a good recipe, home made ice cream could turn out to be great. Do you make ice cream at home? Have you ever tried to make ice cream at home?

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No I do not as you can buy so many, different, and delicious ice creams nowadays, that I do not bother making my own.
by Finy
No, but I intend on trying to do so.
by Vee
No, No, No, No !!! That would be a real problem for me, at least now if I want an icecream impulsively I have to work out whether it is worth the trip to the store.
If all I had to do is walk into the kitch and whip up a fresh batch I would run the risk of never having a waistline again!
No, I have never tried to make it.

Reason being, I LOVE the stuff.
it's not good to eat too much....and I would be making it all the time.
Yes, I have made ice-cream at home for a few years since I bought an ice-cream maker. It's so funny and nice that I can make my favorite green tea, black sesame, blueberry or mocha flavour. More importantly, I can adjust the amount and type of sugar and cream used when making my own ice-cream.
Although we like ice cream, we don't eat enough of it for it to be worth making. We just buy a tub every now and then.
No, I've never tried it but my Mum gave me a recipe the other day that I wouldn't mind trying out some time.
No. We tried to make it once when I was a kid and it turned out a solid
block of cream. Not very yum so it's turned me off trying it again.

No. I tried a few times in the past, but the result was not to the level of what you find outside.
No its too much work.
My husband is the ice cram maker in this house. We have a hand operated ice cream maker and he makes the best Cardamon ice cream in the world
I love icecream, but I can relate to Shelley's comment....it's easier to resist if it's not right there, in the freezer. A few years ago we went through a stage where we made a really yummy mango icecream quite regularly but we haven't done that recently.
I would love to and I would definitely try one.Does anyone know of a simple recipe to make ice cream at home.
No, I think I would ruin the deliciousness and magic of it. Ice-cream is so much fun to sample at the counters and buy to enjoy, plus we're spoilt for choice when it comes to flavours and varieties!
No too much work.
Many yummy varieties easily available.
Prefer the convenience of the shops.
by Zen
I made home made ice-cream the other day and am making more this afternoon. Used to make it all the time but haven't in years. Started up again so I could have healthier ice-cream without all the chemicals and crap they put in it these days.
I haven't tried to make homemade ice cream yet, but it is something I want to try doing.
I've a gorgeous Recipe, handed down from an Aunt. Used to make it, but, sadly, no more as it needs TWELVE Eggs!
Not financially possible anymore!
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