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Do you make cars stop for you at pedestrian crossings?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you force cars to stop at a pedestrian crossing (as they must do by law) or do you wait until the cars have gone?

#Pedestrian crossings
#Crossing road
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I wait because I just think it helps the flow of traffic, and some drivers are not really aware there is a crossing in some places.
I have seen people step out, and nearly cause an accident.
If it looks like I could be there a long time, I ever so slowly move a little closer, to the edge, and wait for a driver to stop....then I walk across.
Not all crossings have the button to push, so you have to be sensitive to that flow of traffic.
It depends on the traffic. Sometimes I'd be there all day if I waited until there were no cars. They can wait.
What do you mean by force? I push the button for a green man only if there is a lot of traffic. If no traffic light - I wait for the car to stop because I can't really force them without risking getting knocked down!
by AJ
There isn't a green man at a zebra crossing because pedestrians are meant to have right of way at all times. The car is just supposed to stop, and not wait for any traffic lights.
I mean at a zebra crossing if there is one car only -would you step off the footpath to make the car stop when there is really no need.

I have seen some people do this but I do not as I cannot see the point of making a car brake sharply when you could wait 10 seconds and cross without disturbing traffic or drivers.

I agree with jonaj again! You have put it very well.
by Finy
I do because I think it is important to lead by example. The pedestrian crossings are put in to provide safe crossing of the road. Children are educated on how to use the road and what the road rules are. We should not be saying one thing and demonstrating another. It is not safe to educate drivers that things such as pedestrian crossings are negotiable. They can stop if it is convenient for them and if it isn't go for it. The vulnerable in our communities such as children, the elderly and people with disabilities need to know that when they come to these crossings their rights as a pedestrian are respected. Ultimately their life could depend upon it. it is ok for the agile and the quick acting to navigate themselves out of trouble at a crossing but not all the community has these skills. If we are not going to use them for the purpose they are intended then I think just remove them because it only causes confusion and from confusion creates the potential for someone to get really hurt.
No, too aware that I am responsible for what happens to me...so I wait.
by Fran
Usually if there is a car coming I just walk across anyway because the should stop. If the car is very close and not slowing, I will wait to find out what they do.
Mostly. I'm usually pretty busy, and while I sometimes let them through, I mostly just cross when I have right of way.
I wait, and the cars normally stop themselves. I have never had any issues crossing at a zebra crossing.
It certainly depends on the weather, the traffic and in how much of a rush I am.
by Vee
I usually stop.
Am very dubious about zebra crossings - my grandmother was hit by a car when she was halfway across one, nearly killed her! Don't talked it for granted that they'll stop!
I find that if I am at the crossing,cars always seem to stop! It used to be when Ihad my son as a small child with me,and now,though still relatively young,I need a walking stick,so drivers always seem to realise that I am not comfortable waiting at the kerb to cro0oss!! Also,there are HUGE fines if these drivers are caught goiung through the crossing when people are waiing to cross!!
I find that if I am at the crossing,cars always seem to stop! It used to be when Ihad my son as a small child with me,and now,though still relatively young,I need a walking stick,so drivers always seem to realise that I am not comfortable waiting at the kerb to cro0oss!! Also,there are HUGE fines if these drivers are caught goiung through the crossing when people are waiing to cross!!
If there is only one car,and several pedestrians,I find that the car will do the right thing and stop for us all to cross! If I am the only pedestrian,I will wait until there are either more pedestrians or more cars or both!! I am never in such a rush as to need cars to stop just to suit me alone!
As was trained in 'Road Safety Drill' at School, back in the day, I stop & LOOK, to ensure cars stop for me to proceed safely.

Have always in the back of my mind that 'brakes can fail on a car'.
The number of people who just 'walk out' onto crossing, WITHOUT EVEN LOOKING to see if there are cars there, is beyond belief.
When I'm driving, I go 'snail' pace near a Zebra crossing, because Pedestrians' can be so unpredictable!
Sometimes yes but usually no

It's the law anyway! I give the driver a slight wave without looking at them, to say, "Thanks for not knocking me down"!
by Miro
I would wait if it's only one car. I'm cautious when crossing so step out slowly to see if the approaching car stops and raise my hand in a wave and thank the driver for stopping. I know pedestrians have right of way but a little courtesy on our part goes a long way. No use complaining when you've been knocked over as I've also see people dart across the crossing just as the driver starts to drive through and someone appears out of nowhere from shrubery restricting the drivers view and insists it's their right of way.
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