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Do you mainly watch free to air television?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you mainly watch free to air television?

#Free to air TV
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Yes, I only watch this if you call I view and catch up as free to air, which it is!
Rather, I do not have Netflix or any of those others that you pay a monthly fee for - I used to have Foxtel but cancelled as I found it was all repeats anyway.
Recently I signed up for a new two week trial on a new Foxtel deal, and after I signed, found out that my TV did not support this! My TV is fairly new, a good well known brand and it did not support Foxtel's latest venture! Very strange....
I often record films and other things, so if there is nothing on free TV, which currently is ALWAYS, I watch something I have recorded.
Will be great end of January when ratings start again and we stop getting repeats on free to air television.
by Finy
I watch a mixture of free to air and Foxtel. We have Foxtel bundled in with our phone and internet, so we get most of the channels free. I don't watch a lot of TV, especially at the moment when there is nothing much worth watching. There is usually something worth watching on Foxtel. Half the time, I have one eye on the TV, and one eye on my Ipad or reading a book, so I don't pay a lot of attention to the TV. It has to be something really interesting to warrant my full attention.
We do not watch t.v.
We have programs, that best suit our likes :)
I have never felt the need to watch anything other than free to air and it would irk me to death to pay for more tv .. . . I have enough trouble keeping the patience to watch to the end of some things. My brother gave me his recorder thingy so I find I can record things that are on at the same time or when I am out, or asleep. It took me a few weeks to remember I could do this as I had not even had a vcr for many years. I'm in the swing now. It's quite handy. . . . much better than sitting up late, falling asleep and missing half of what you wanted to watch!
by Rice
We ONLY watch free to air TV, except in Melbourne when visiting family who use the other, mainly for him for the sports, but he tries to leave it turned off, when our granddaughters come over to us, for the week-end! They've NEVER seen a tv in their house! I always thought 1 should never have to pay to watch tv!!!
by Miro
I have Foxtel but I mostly watch the freeview channels
by AJ
All the time

I refuse to pay to watch TV. Two of my children have paid options but honestly, the garbage I often hear them talking about makes me thankful I don't subscribe. There are good programs on free to air, even if the TV programs don't get them right at times.
The kids mostly watch free to air stuff and my partner and I mostly watch netfllix these days.
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