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Do you love or hate gardening?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: Pixabay.com

Do you love or hate gardening?

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I love gardening bud sadly, I can no longer do it.

I have had veggie gardens built right up so I do not have to bend and I can do these but have a problem with most other sorts of gardening nowadays.

An awful shame as it is not a large garden. and have to get gardeners in to do something I really used to enjoy doing!
by Finy
I just love gardening. It is a real creative outlet and I love to enjoy the beauty within this space. We have a rather large garden and I make sure it is all maintained so that it looks very nice. It is so hard to keep on top of the weeds though.
I love gardening. I love reaping and sharing with my neighbours.
by Gia
Hate it!

That's why bought ALL native trees for perimeter of property, so they 'could look after themselves', which they did majestically for nigh on 40 years, until new house owner lopped EVERY tree!

All our neighbours' were absolutely incredulous. I bawled my eyes out, & I still miss them. Thank goodness I had the foresight to go & photograph.every single one before we left our beautiful home.
The 1000's of beautiful memories' those tall, strong trees held 'in their trunks' were marvellous.

Bathplugs and armpits! That is just sad :((( Those poor trees and all the different types of wildlife they must have nurtured. I would have cried too.
by Rice
Oh yes, Rice, had Lorikeets in the majority in them, morning, & evening! They loved the 'Columbaria' which had foot-long flowers, which were bright orange! So many flowering trees, alive with colour, & birds!
One low branch of a Banksia Integrifolia, had a little frilly-lizard, who loved being stroked, especially under his neck! He would wait there whilst I got him some fresh mince, get more smoochies, & then scurry off until the next morning, to go through same routine! He stayed with us for a few years. Just lovely!
by donjo
Gardening is one of my favourite therapies for my severe arthritic ailments.I go out into my tropical garden at just after 6 each morning when the birds are chattering and the sun has not yet got any 'bite' to it! I just adore to discover whatever flowers have decided to bloom each day,as the colours and scents are such a cheerful way to begin my days. I find that even standing and watering my plants by hand is so relaxing.There are ALWAYS different ways to manage to a bit of gardening without causing further problems with any ailments we may have. Gardening is just perfection in time use for me.
I really love my vegie garden and enjoy getting out and experimenting in my garden. Although I do generally end up with a sore back afterwards unfortunately.
I don't have a garden at the moment so I don't get to do any gardening. However, we have recently bought a house that has a garden so when we move in I will need to get into gardening
by AJ
I love gardening for many reasons.
1. I love growing my own vegetables and saving money off my grocery bill.
2. I love getting in touch with nature when I spent time in my garden.
3. I love getting my children involved with the garden, it is a great way to get them excited about eating vegetables, especially when they grow the vegetables themselves!
by Kyra
I just love gardening. It is a real creative outlet and I love to enjoy the beauty within this space. We have a rather large garden and I make sure it is all maintained so that it looks very nice. It is so hard to keep on top of the weeds though.
I enjoy gardening but my husband prefers to do it. I do love sitting in the gazebo and looking at the palms and ferns and baskets of flowers all around me. Just so peaceful.
I love to lose myself amongst the broard beans and when in season the tomatoes I tend to disappear when picking coming up smelling wonderful. Makes me so relaxed and very happy. I adore looking at the busy bees knowing they are working and I'm going to be dining on their delicious honey. What's not to love .
by alfsu
There's nothing better than eating your own veggies and herbs. For some reason my parsley has gone mad. Such an abundance of it and so tall it's like a bush with long straight stems. Can't seem to make a dent in it and when I've tried to give some away, I found most people don't use it.
by helga
I love gardening.
I love gardening. I am fortunate to have a garden that is not too big but it is big enough for me to grow some vegies and also flowers. I love spring in the garden.
I love gardening once I get down and actually start to do the gardening. My garden is not to big, I can grow seasonal vegetables and around the circumference of my garden I have flowering plants, which are in bloom most of the year. A lot of bee's visit my garden each day, I get visits from the green grubs that eat all the green leaves. My garden is still very new, I need to compost and manue greatly as soon as possible. Have a great life gardening to.
I'm sorry to admit that I hate it. I discovered this after moving from a home with no garden to a lovely little country cottage with a HUGE garden. My idyllic visions of learning to garden and creating a little oasis where I could while away the hours reading and drinking coffee soon turned into the reality of endless weeding, whipper-snippering and pruning just to keep it from swallowing the house. Consequently, after only two years, I've reluctantly conceded defeat and am selling the house.
I am all excited when flowers are in bloom in my garden but I dislike gardening!
It's a love/hate relationship. Love the flowers, hate the weeds. Love the butterflies, hate the mozzies. Love watering the garden, hate the hot sun on my back while doing it!
Hate it!

That's why bought ALL native trees for perimeter of property, so they 'could look after themselves', which they did majestically for nigh on 40 years, until new house owner lopped EVERY tree!

All our neighbours' were absolutely incredulous. I bawled my eyes out, & I still miss them. Thank goodness I had the foresight to go & photograph.every single one before we left our beautiful home.
The 1000's of beautiful memories' those tall, strong trees held 'in their trunks' were marvellous.

Hate it!

That's why bought ALL native trees for perimeter of property, so they 'could look after themselves', which they did majestically for nigh on 40 years, until new house owner lopped EVERY tree!

All our neighbours' were absolutely incredulous. I bawled my eyes out, & I still miss them. Thank goodness I had the foresight to go & photograph.every single one before we left our beautiful home.
The 1000's of beautiful memories' those tall, strong trees held 'in their trunks' were marvellous.

Yes,I love gardening.
I loved gardening when I was in my last house. I had a blank canvas that I changed into a children's wonderland with a vegetable patch, cubby house and little alcoves with outdoor settings. Now in my latest house, the yard is small and I really hate the whole complex.
I love gardening, but sadly don't do enough. Can't do the hard work - get tired quickly, besides I tend to do too many things. Wish I limited myself to just those few things I love - and gardening is certainly is. I love orchids and I have a lot of them. I bring them in when they are in flower. I also have plenty of plants growing inside my house near windows where they can get some light. Some of them are lovely terrariums.
This Photo has just put me off Gardening for Life.
I love it. Sometimes I think the thoughts of my garden is the only thing that gets me through the long cold Winter months. Planing what is going to go where. Which new things to try in Spring. All of it, makes me very happy indeed!
Love it and great to have a pretty garden
Some of my loveliest moments are in the garden! I don't get down and dirty like the person in the photo, but I do get my hands dirty from time to time, and I love it!
Yes, I also love gardening, but spend most of my time not planting plants, but weeding & picking up lots of sticks & small dead branches, & then there’s all the dead leaves to sweep up, from the driveway, porch & walkway & the 13 uneven stone steps up the to our house. I’ve love my husband to build a veggie or herb garden.
I really enjoy gardening.
by Vee
Hate it. Lousy at it. Hate my suburban nightmare. Mow, mow, mow. Weed, weed, weed. Give me 40+ acres and a ride on mower anyday.
by Rice
Love or hate.... neither.

Like gardening, and like having a nice garden.

Once I buy a house of my own I will invest time and energy into growing a decent garden.

But as I have lived in three residences renting in the last four years, its not really on the love or hate list
I love to see plants grow and to help sick or injured plants recover
Physical disabilities stop me from really getting stuck in with garden tools
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