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Do you love cooking?

by sriv. (follow)
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Do you love cooking?

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I cant say that i love it but its something that must be done. I do wish I had acquired the skill to a greater degree when I was growing up.
Why? in heavens name would I enjoy cooking....
That leaves me no time then to do what I like!
Never really have liked it, because it is hard work from where I stand.
No give that a huge miss for me :)
I don't hate it, but I don't love it either!
by Vee
I do love cooking and I am always wanting to try new recipes and experiment.
I too love cooking. It is another means of entertainment.
by sriv.
I really enjoy cooking; it is fun to make things and see what they come out like. One thing I don't like though is peeling. I hate that part of the job.
by sriv.
I have never LOVED it and I find I like it even less the older I get. I like to eat when I like or go the fridge and grab a tomato or a carrot if I feel the urge. I hate regimented mealtimes.
by Rice
amen and amen!
by jonaja
Yes, it stems from the fact we both worked (my Wife and I) and whoever got home first would begin to start the meal.
I am pleased that I can cook a proper meal not just fast food.
Learning the timing of things was the main thing (Meat Vs. vegetables etc.)
Washing up, well that is another story!
Yes, I love it, particularly when I teach my young grandsons how to cook, and they love it (4 and 6 years old) and we've been doing it for a while now. They enjoy their father coming home and opening tbe door to lovely smells.
by sriv.
I enjoy cooking but I wouldn't say I love it. I do love eating good food though. I also tend to cook better food than I can get in many a restaurant, so when it comes to cooking the ends justify the means.
Yes, I love cooking and publishing on recipeyum.com.au
by Finy
Absolutely adore cooking!

My Grandmother, was a great cook, as women of the early 20th C were.

My Mum was a superb cook, & produced many a 'Cordon Bleu' meal, especially when entertaining Dinner Guests'.

I did same, for many years', & my son was 'fascinated' with cooking from age 10, at which time he declared he 'wanted to be a Chef'!

He's been a 'Head Chef' now for many years', & is still 'passionate' about cooking.
I love to cook. I love the preparing of the ingredients, very therapeudic for me. I make up new recipes all of the time.
Yes, i love to cook.I look up a new recipe every night, 6 nights a week, & don't re-use that recipe, for at least 12 months. before my laptop, I'd look up my recipes in my cook books, & then date the ones I used. (On the 7th night we have a salmon cutlet, which is just cooked on the stovetop, without a recipe!)
by Miro
Yes I do enjoy cooking, but more in the winter time.
I do :D
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