Attribution: mettem, morguefile.com
We have keys for all our windows, but don't use them. Instead, we chock all our windows so, in case they are left open, nobody can get in unless they smash them.
Do you lock your windows?
Some of our windows are locked but not all. I'm of the mind that if someone really wants to break into the house, they will so it's not worth getting too worried about it. I would rather be able to open my windows without too much hassle as and when I want some fresh air in the house!
What does chocking the windows mean, btw?
We've got wooden chocks that sit in the window sill - they're short enough so you can open the window, but long enough so the window cannot open enough to let a person through.
Does that make sense?
Yes thank you, I get the picture now! I don't think I've seen anything like that before, just the lock on the handle. I like how some locks let you have the window a little bit open but still locked, so you can have fresh air and security! Sounds like your chocks do the same job :)
At night I do, and when we go out we do yes. Plus the ones that are down low or near furniture tend to be closed for safety reasons. I do love having them open though.
Love the picture you picked to go with this question!
Thanks, I think it's a great picture too. The colours and composition are spot on. I like having the windows open as well - you know you're doing it right if there's a nice breeze in the house.
Have Aluminium Grilles completely over windows!
Previous home has STEEL Grilles! They not only looked good, but were very off-putting to would be thieves!
I don't like the idea of grilles, donjo. What in the world would you do in case of a fire?
Hi Vee, have lived with houses' Grille'd all my life. They don't worry me at all. Have two exit doors from house. Easy to get to, & out. There's more chances of someone trying to break-in than a fire. That's statistically proven. House next door broken into recently, through glass window. Aluminium grilles' attached all windows' next day! Plus I'm very, very aware of my electrical products & ensure ALL switched OFF, plugs removed from point, when not in use. This I've done all my life. Have smoke alarms as well. My thanks, your concern........
Thanks for your reply donjo. I was always curious about this, and you seem to have it covered. :)
Like Vee we have chocks on all our windows. When we bought our current home, my late husband made chocks for every window in the house (and there are a lot of them). It's great because you can just remove them when you are opening all the windows and sliding doors wide to air your home, and replace them when you go out.
Hi Norma.......
Chocks are good, except when they smash the window!
Yeh - I agree donjo but then I don't really want to live in Alcatraz!
Yes I do lock the windows, I am security conscience, But we also have shutters on our windows, so I feel safer.