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Do you lock the bathroom door when you use it at home?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: en.wikipedia.org

Do you ever lock the bathroom door when you go in at your home?

#Lock door
#Bathroom door
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As I live on my own, I would never lock the bathroom door -no, not quite true -sometimes when I have the cleaner there, I would lock the toilet/bathroom door.

When I had a partner I also would not lock the bathroom door as can see no need for this even though I always have locks on bathroom doors.

It is more for visitors when they use the bathroom.
by Finy
I have no need to ever lock my bathroom door,though there is a lock there .I guess if visitors feel more comfortable because of it,then that is just fine!
If using the toilet I tend to lock the door - I'm not quite as obsessive about this since I had kids, but I do still lock the door often. if I'm just showering then I don't bother - mostly because there is usually a child in there with me!
No. We brought our kids up to not be ashamed of their bodies. We don't even shut the door. If people need to come in to talk or wash their hands they can. Besides, if there is a fire, you need to get out quick. Locked doors can be a real hinderance if there is a fire or other emergency where you need to get out quickly. If someone passed out or had a heart attack, no one, including the ambulance service could get in. Its not safe.
Only when we have guests at home. I don't feel the need to lock it when I am on my own or with my husband. We have a very small place, and we know when the bathroom is busy.
by BK
No. We only have the one bathroom and sometimes my husband or the kids need to wash their hands while I'm in the shower. I'm not bothered if they see me naked anyway.
I never lock the bathroom door as only two of us live in the apartment
by AJ
No I don't, I live alone
by fran
Never have. Will do if staying in Hotel, though!
No, there’s only 2 of us in the house, & the door on my en-suite broke of it’s hinges years ago, & my husband doesn’t lock his bathroom door when he’s having a shower.
When I lived with my kids I didn't and even in a share house I didn't but recently, the door has started to creep open unless its locked.. so yes now I do.
No - I have an ensuite and, as I live alone, am the only person who uses it.
Never. I smashed the locks off the bathroom and toilet doors. I hate them. Never lock yourself in a small room, folks. A friend of ours had a heart attack in his shower and fell against the locked door . . . too late by the time they got it open. I will never forget the terror I suffered as a small child when I pushed the button on the toilet door to see what it was and got locked in. It was a rarely used old button lock and I could not get it open for ages. Major panic. I got sick of telling his grandchild to STOP locking the doors, so I smashed them off. Easy.
by Rice
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