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Do you listen to podcasts?

by Vee (follow)
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Do you listen to any podcasts? If so, which ones and how often?

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I have not really gotten into podcasting. My wife has a few that she listens everyday, mostly religious stuff.
I have listened to a couple but wouldn't say I'm "into it". I think they are a really good idea though.
by Rice
I listen on YTube a great deal.
Love listening to sermons, and then stuff....that is not connected, more New World Order.
No. I'm not really interested in pod casts.
I listen to some good podcasts about parenting by Dr. Meg Meeker, some religious ones like those of Dr. Michael Youssef, and some posted on Hope 103.2, which cover a range of topics. I think podcasts are great, and wish I could listen to more of them.
by Vee
No, I don't and I'm not sure what podcasting is.
Podcasts are audio files that can be accessed online. It's like listening to the radio, only better.
by Vee
(it always sounds like it should be whale radio to me.)
by Rice
It took me a second...lol.
by Vee
No. I'm not interested.
no I do not, do not have any interest in them. cannot see any point in sitting down and listening to a faceless person talking.
All the time. They're nice to listen to when I'm doing housework. It would be a long list, hmm... Some of the ABC ones like The Conversation with Richard Fidler, Bunga Bunga (comedy thing with Maynard and Tim Ferguson), a few about science and reason, like Skeptics with a K and Be Reasonable, The History Chicks (on women in history), Eff Yeah Film and Feminism... there are loads but that's all I can think of off the top of my head.
No never.
by Miro
No, I've never really gotten into them.
I have listened to a couple of TED talks. I haven't really gotten into them but if I had time I might.
Yes, some TED talks are really quite good.
by Vee
No I dont even know what they are!
by Finy
Podcasts are audio files that can be accessed online. It's like listening to the radio, only better.
by Vee
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