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Do you like your name?

by Bryony Harrison (follow)
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None of us have the luxury of picking our own name when we are born. Some people are fortunate and get given a name that they like, while others are unlucky and have to live with one they detest.

Do you like your name? If not, have/would you ever consider changing it? If you did change it, what would it be?

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I don't hate my name but don't love it either. It's a bit too popular and at school there were 2-3 other Helen's in my class, so it got confusing! I prefer pretty or slightly unusual names. With my sons we didn't go too out there with name choices but we did try for slightly lesser known names
I love my first name.
It's not the name I go by on here, but my mother hated her name.When she had a daughter she said that she would choose a name......that was not used much.It would be a tad 'posh', and yet still known.
She did just that.
In my long life....I have only come across maybe a dozen people, with my name.
I truly love it....It can be shortened 10 different ways!!! and yet, people would know the full name.
Sorry! AA is lagging :( not my fault
by jonaja
My first name yes. I think its a beautiful name, reminds me of my family's French ancestry. I don't like my surname - it has a negative feel. Thankfully it will change real soon, but not just yet!
I like my name, but would like it more if there weren't so many other people I had to share it with! It was a very popular name apparently.

I have never liked my name. Not only do I not like the sound of it, but no one ever pronounces or spells it correctly. Everyone else does seem to think my name is beautiful though. I wouldn't change it, simply because I am used to it, and it would be too much trouble.
I do - but in the Western world, I adopt a nickname because it's easier to say.
I love my name. According to my Dad the meaning of my name is 'Shy Girl' & thats what I am!
I used to dislike it because it was very common around the time I was born so there were often multiple Jennifers in my classes at school, in places I have worked etc. I wouldn't change it though. I'm used to it now.
I always used to wish I had a name that ended in an 'ee' sound. Like Emily, Lilly, Chloe... etc. But now that I've grown up I've come to like my name. I still am never quite sure whether to call myself Natasha or Tash.
How about Tasha?
Nope. I've never really been a 'Tasha'. Occasionally I'm Tashy to my nieces, but I never know how to spell it (Tashy or Tashi or Tashie). So usually when I write my name it's Natasha, but most people call me Tash.
I like my name! It's relatively anonymous (both first and last) but my middle name is quite different. So it means I can pick and choose what to reveal in different situations.

Plus my name isn't very long so it's not annoying to write.
Shortened my name my very first day at work, & that's what I'm known as.
My full first name is only used for items' like Driving Licence, Passport, Bankcards etc etc etc.
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