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Do you like your bacon crispy, or does it not worry you how it is cooked?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: www.bukisa.com

Do you like your bacon well done, or crispy, or does it not bother you how it is cooked?

#Crispy bacon
#Well done bacon
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I only like my bacon very well done or very crispy.
I always ask for this when I am out as perhaps if you cannot see the fat it is not so bad for me! LOL.

Bacon is one of my favourite foods and one I did not give up when I gave up meat! But only if well done.
by Finy
Great question, Finy! The crisper the better in my opinion.
by Vee
I don't eat bacon
by AJ
I love it anyway, it is made, not fussed.
It's something that is really great however.
We don't eat much of it, but when we do...wow a nice treat.
I prefer the outside of the fat to be crispy but the meat part has to be soft to medium
Only like my bacon crispy
by fran
I do not eat bacon and cannot stand the smell of it.
by Rory
Ah crispy bacon, my husband's favourite but not mine. I like bacon to be just cooked - juicy and easy to chew.
It depends what I am eating the bacon with.... if it's pasta and pesto, then not crispy, if it's a cooked breakfast then fairly crispy but not too well done and if it's with pancakes and maple syrup then really crispy!
It also makes a difference if it's streaky or back bacon. I don't like back bacon crispy ever....
I like the rind very crunchy but the meaty section still slightly soft.There is n point in bacon without crispy rind!!! What a treat! I usually put masses of it in my home made Fried Rice.
Always well done, I don't like the fat if it's not crisp
I am Jewish so don't eat bacon
Have gone off bacon of late. Never had it out because it's not cooked the way I like, which is crispy.
Nowadays, prefer thick or thin Pork Snags.
A Sausage casserole with spuds, freshly sliced cabbage, onion, carrot & mushrooms, in vegetable stock, is scrumptious. Always lightly grill snags before putting into Casserole Dish. They look, & taste much better!
Ongoing: I find bacon today really tasteless!
What are the pigs being fed? It's really bland, dry, & doesn't 'taste', as I remember it, from childhood.
Occasionally, I'll buy some 'streaky' bacon, & cook it to my liking.
If out dining, don't mind Chipolata sausages.
by donjo
"Crispy" and "bacon" . . . a marriage made in heaven. Mmmmmmm.
by Rice
i prefer the bacon crispy but i wouldn't mind if it's done in say the oven

by Guy
I won't eat crispy bacon. With dry mouth syndrome I have to be careful of my teeth so crispy is definitely out so all fat is cut away and bacon cooked so it is still moist.
I'll eat it anyway, & I do love bacon, but I don't seem to like it much on the cruise ships, so I usually have smoked salmon every breakfast with capers & sour cream, (followed with a waffle with mixed berries. I gave up having the whipped cream with it, many cruises ago!!!) At home we usually just have it with pasta meals.
by Miro
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