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Do you like yarn bombing?

by Carolyn Hopping (follow)
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yarn bombing
Image courtesy of Joanbanjo / Wikimedia Commons

Yarn bombing is a fun form of community street art in which random familiar objects are adorned with creative and colourful knitting or crocheting.

Are you familiar with yarn bombing, and if so, do you like it? What is the best yarn bombing you've seen, and have you ever participated in a project?

#Yarn bombing
#Street art
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This is such a waste of time and effort.

Seriously...I love all kinds of art but this is just
yUCK :(

What if they made them into something useful, like blankets for the homeless....Oops! too
normal.....lets keep inanimate objects warm and colourful, let the homeless go cold.

Waste of precious time and yarn.
Just makes me see red, on any good day.
I reckon you could use that car throw as a blanket ;-)
by Vee
Oh! heavens forbid we do that, after all Vee....it's Art that would have to take a dive on this one ;)
by jonaja
I like it. I think it's interesting. But this one is just gross...
by Vee
I like the look of yarn bombing. I have seen trees covered in colourful yarns sometimes and it looks very interesting. You don't expect to see it and it is unusual, and that's whats appealing. Good to see art work blending into the natural environment, instead of being stark and ' in your face', like it doesn't belong there.
I had neither seen it nor heard of it. I think it looks cool . . !
by Rice
I went away and thought about this . . .came back to see jonaj had written what I was thinking. It is a bit of a waste. I was wondering if they donate it after . . . maybe even to a pet refuge as it may not be suitable for humans anymore.
by Rice
I've never heard of this, but right away I don't like it. It looks tacky. Much too colorful for my palate.
Love it or hate it, yarn bombing is a form of street art and often serves to brighten up public spaces that would otherwise be drab and boring. A lot of people find it bright, fun and quirky, too. Last year I visited a cute little town in the south of Western Australia called Waroona, where they held a month-long yarn-bombing festival called ;It's a Yarn Thing.' The town was colourfully adorned with bright quirky yarn-bombed objects, both big and small, and the whole community got involved - from small kids at the local school to senior citizens at the nursing home. Part of the festivities was an art / craft exhibition at the town's visitors centre which was raising money for some local charities.

Anyway, I think it's great! It's a modern interpretation of traditional crafting skills and like street art, has become a new genre of art. As the old saying goes,,, 'art for art's sake'.
Money for god's sake. (sorry, it had to be done. LOL)
by Rice
Definitely not!

I agree with jonaj.
Why not knit something useful for a homeless person, or an Orphanage?
I have never heard of it before, so no.
by Finy
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