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Do you like writing lists?

by Sarah Bell (follow)
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Image courtesy of graur codrin / freedigitalphotos.net

When there is a task to be done, do you like writing a list to break it down into component jobs, or do you just remember everything without writing it down?

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Ha ha ha ha !
I have two right now, on my desk! I LOVE writing list's, and my mother told me they are worth the trouble.I think she was right.

I could not live without them.
There is nothing worse than forgetting half of the stuff, you went out to get.
Then there are the list's to help you do a project, like things around the house.
I have just completed a huge job at home.Every job, was on that list.
I get heap's of satisfaction, when crossing off that job....that I did!
I usually write a list of things to do for the day and also a list of projects to complete. Most of my lists are work related.
All the time. That's how I function. Whether it is the traditional pen and paper, or the iPhone - lists give me structure to my day.
Nope, but I don't someone who does and it is very annoying. If I write a list, then I have to complete the list and that just adds stress.
Yes, like the other list-writers on this list, I do it to structure my work day. Writing down everything I want to achieve for the day helps me to keep on track when distractions try to pull my focus.
Not all the time, however, I do write lists sometimes to help gather my thoughts. I make a lot of mental lists as well. I do use lists often when I am packing for a day out or for travel so I do not forget anything important
Nope. I only do it when I'm getting out of control - it makes me think I'm managing...
I love lists!

I write them all the time as I find this easier than relying on my memory. Sometimes I walk into a room and forget why I am there, so in my case, I absolutely NEED to write lists, or I would forget half the things I need to do!

I then have to just remember where I put each list, as have gone shopping a few times, and left my list at home.
by Finy
I do enjoy it - creates a mental order for me.
Feel a sense of achievement as I work through it.
by Zen
I love lists. Any kind of list. Things that need fixing lists, things to buy or make lists, Christmas gift lists, what to do next day lists. I don't necessarily follow them and sometimes I look back and discover I haven't done anything on my to do list. But rather than get depressed about it I write a list of all the things I did instead!
Lists, & then some, for me!
Have a 'fat' feint-ruled NB, in which I write grocery list, plus anything else I think of eg buy more VHS tapes, get latest DVD release of 'Person of Interest', p/u book from Library etc etc etc.
If I 'forget' to put in HB, & get to shops without it, I'm lost! I don't enter this info in ITablet, don't know how & doesn't really interest me, as I stay with tried & true NB!
I’m always writing lists for every thing! I think tiny & I are about the same age, because she wrote what I would have written! I have lists for the top cafes, best coffee places in Sydney, best chocolate shops, etc, etc…and I have a big book of of ALL the films I have seen in alphabetical order, in the last 50 years. so that’s also like a list, I guess! I even have a list of wear I’ve worn each of my 17 dresses too! And I also have a list of what I’ve cooked from on line recipes this year, so I don’t make the same recipe twice in 12. months! To my self: “Enough"
The illustration used for this question simply exacerbates my angst re the lack of writing practice for school students these days. That sort of pencil grip would have the writer's hand tired out in a very short time. Not good in exam conditions. Perhaps most exams are done on tablets these days.
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