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Do you like Vegemite?

by Lucy (follow)
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Vegemite is a curious Australian invention which people either love or hate. Many Aussie kids are brought up consuming Vegemite on toast, and miss it terribly when traveling far from our shores.

Are you a happy little Vegemite? Do you have a favorite Vegemite recipe? Will you bake Vegemite scones for Australia Day?

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Do I like Vegemite!

Oh yes .
I love it on toast with butter, and I put it in soups, casseroles.It's part of being an Aussie.
If someone tells me they don't like it, I always say...well have you tried it 'this way' or that way.
I love it on bread, with lettuce and also with lettuce and cheese. Come Australia Day, it's on the menu for B/Fast O yeah!
I initially thought I had put something in my mouth that didn't belong there!

But after 4 years of living in Australia, I've grown to love it, and am even trying out recipes that require cooking stuff in Vegemite :-)
My American husband has been living here for 14 years and he still hates it.
Love it. I didn't know there was such a thing as vegemite scones though. I do like to bake vegemite scrolls but I don't think I'll have time for that this Australia Day.
I don't like Vegemite because its to salty.
NO!!!!!!!!! it's not even classed as food and now owned by Kraft an American company. YUK pleeep Ewwwweie!
LOVE vegemite....for me on toast with some butter - YUM! Also use it as stock for casseroles, stew etc. :)
I've never had the courage to try it. I like my food to "look" good and Vegemite just doesn't make it to the standard of looking good. I apologize to all Vegemite lovers in advance.
Give it a try but spread it thinly, if you like it start putting a little more each time until you reach desired strength.
by pfuit
Love it on toast.
I love vegemite on toast over a load of butter! I am the only fan of Vegemite in my family. I quite like a vegemite soup when I am sick and don't feel like eating anything. Half a teaspoon or a teaspoon of Vegemite mixed in a cup of boiling water with bit of chopped up red onion added is yummy!
It seems that we mostly are happy little Vegemites around here - Happy Australia Day folks.
by Lucy
Love hot today with lashings of butter and a spread of vegemite.
Easy scrolls, sheet of ready rolled pastry, smear with vegemite, cover with grated cheese, chopped bacon and whatever else you desire, onion, tomato, paprika etc. Roll up, cut into slices and pop in oven and cook. Delicious and easy!
Yes I like it!

With butter on toast. With fresh bread and butter indeed. Not without butter though, alone it is too harsh for this sweet tooth!
No. I end up taking B Complex vitamins if I have to, but I really dislike the taste of vegemite.
No far too salty. I do like Marmite lovely and beefy.
NO!!!!!!!!! it's not even classed as food and now owned by Kraft an American company. YUK pleeep Ewwwweie!
Just had it once by mistake and I had to take so many efforts to get that taste off my mouth. I just hated it. No harsh feelings to all the vegemite lovers here.
I didn't realise there was so much one could do with Vegemite. I love it on toast with lots of butter and melted 'plastic' cheese .
by Vee
I love Vegemite, and would not bake vegemite scones however, as scones are sweet.
I also like the vegemite with cheese -is it Cheeseymite?
I like it on toast or even under cheese is good.
by Finy
I like a bit of vegemite. It feels healthy (maybe because it's a bit gross).
I LOVE vegemite. Ate it every day of my life. Took it with me every time I went overseas. Then when I was forced to go gluten free 18months ago I had to stop eating it. I have tried all the alternatives but they are not the same. I miss Vegemite desperately.
I have never tried Vegemite, but there are so many Aussies that come here to work at the resorts that it's available in every grocery store. It's actually one of he only places in Canada where Vegemite is easy to find.
I love VEGEMITE on tostet bread with bana,But I am sad as you can't buy in Denmark and I miss it.
Love Australia - Cannot get used to the taste of Vegemite.
Sorry.Please don't stop on my account - Enjoy!!! ...lool
by Zen
I think I may have a Vegemite addiction. I don't think I could live without it. Sometimes I just have to have a hit of Vegemite on buttered multi grain toast. As I write this answer my mouth is watering and I am just going to have to feed my addiction!
My favourite sanga is bread or toast spread with Avocado (not butter, or even it's so-called equivalent) and Vegemite! I also cook with it like a lot of others who've answered. My two favourite scones are Vegemite and bacon, but there's another reason why I like savoury scones - after a savoury scone(s), the sweet ones are so much the sweeter!!
When I traveled overseas I took my beloved Vegemite with me. On our last stop before home we shared a Youth Hostel room with a Canadian girl who asked if we were going to take it home. When I gave her my jar she sat eating it by the spoonful. Perhaps she was deficient in Vitamin B!!
One of my favourite snacks is: fresh bread, (MUST be Fresh bread!), buttered, with Vegemite, cut off crusts, then cut sandwich into mini-triangles. Have with a hot 'cuppa'.
Pure bliss!

I use it in my home-made Beef Consommé, & Anything else I can add it to!

On a 25 day Tour of NP's of Western USA, & Canda, took medium sized jar with me, declared it, got hilariously ok'd by two Immigration chaps at LAX.
There were a few other Aussies on trip, who didn't bring any, so shared around. How can one say 'no' to fellow Aussie travellers', at brekky time, with toast?

Always took a jar with me, never had any problems declaring it in any country. They all seemed to know about 'Australians & their Vegemite'! Lol!
Like many others my brother and I were brought up on it. Mum used to make us vegemite and celery sandwiches for our school lunches, or vegemite and cheese. I loved it with butter with vita wheat biscuits which we would squeeze together to make worms come through the holes and then lick these off before we ate the biscuit. Also use it in cooking as well. It's also good for mouth ulcers when rubbed on the ulcer. It stings a bit but works.
Mmmm Vegemite. Even just the smell is great. Any Australian that doesn't like Vegemite should hand in their passport and citizenship and be deported! :)
No,I don't like vegemite and never have.
yes I like vegemite, do not like it on toast. will not eat it this way, have new jar in the frig now.
enjoy vegemite such a shame items truly australian as so has been taken over by other countries i as feel it is 'true blue' - aussie! which should be totally stood by
apparently there is now vegemite popcorn!
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