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Do you like turkey or chicken better?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: www.medindia.net

Do you prefer to have turkey or chicken?

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I find that a difficult one as I like both but possibly chicken as it is more versatile and is smaller and therefore, being alone, I can do more with it.

With turkey even though I like it, they are so much bigger that even at Christmas I end up throwing some out, and I think chicken is moister than turkey.

Will try not cooking it for so long this time.
by Finy
I do feel that a roast Turkey is a very impressive sight,but I personally find the meat dry,tough and tasteless no matter what I do t fix this!!! I do like the small rolled and filled Turkey breasts which you can get at Lenards. They are perfect when yyou live alone as well as seeming to cook with a far moister result.So
after all that,I have to admit to preferring Chicken.
Chicken, wings down!

One of my 'cravings' being pregnant with son, was Roast Chicken! Couldn't get enough of it!

Love Rotisseried chook, so buy it at Woolies' for that reason!
Mmmmmmmmmmmm. Woolies chick-ennnnnnn. *drool*
by Rice
by donjo
I like them both. They both looked great baked.
Chicken please. I don't love turkey at all.
I haven't had Turkey in many years.
I really like that meat, YUM...bIG tIME :)

Turkey is No1.
Too expensive here in OZ! to buy much.
trouble is Jonaj, you cannot get small ones! turkeys are a bigger animal so unless you have a family, works out expensive..
by Finy
Exactly! and you have to cook them just right, or rubber!! :(
by jonaja
You can cook them and freeze them in suitable sized portions, and you can make stock with the bones too. We quite often buy the drumsticks and make rice paper rolls with them too, and those are in a smaller sized packet.
by meggf
nice :)
by jonaja
I like both but I rarely buy turkey meat
by AJ
I like them both, they're both good for different things.
I like both chicken and turkey, chicken much more common, one tends to eat a lot of it whereas turkey you tend to have it only at Xmas...
by fran
Prefer chicken to turkey as the older children aren't too keen on the colour of the meat, more than the taste. We sometimes buy the fresh turkey legs to bake as it's just the two of us who eat it now.
Chicken definitely.
Mmmmmmmmmmmm. Chick-ennnnnnn.
by Rice
If I'm going to eat some Turkey, I'll buy a marinated portion from my Butcher.
It's small, & cooked on Low, & Slow, it'll be just right!
With lashings of Mashed Spud, & gravy, of course!
I don't think I've ever tasted turkey, but we do eat chicken once a week, so I'd have to say...Chicken!
by Miro
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