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Do you like trampolines?

by Happy Mom (follow)
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Trampolines are hours of fun and a good exercise. They make a great addition to your backyard and children can invite their friends over for a trampoline bash.

Do you have a trampoline for children and do they like it? Do you ever get on it?

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Love them! My kids love them and literally will spend hours on them. I do get on too sometimes. Trampolining is great exercise as it exercises ever cell in your body, even your fingernails! You don't have to go anywhere to do it, and it feels great!
I have a trampoline. It's down near the washing line, so I put the kids on it while I'm hanging out washing so I know where they are and that they're out of trouble. They love it. I try to get them on it for a while in the morning to use some excess energy so they can concentrate to sit down and listen to a story afterwards. It's great exercise and they sleep better.

I loved my trampoline as a kid, but I'm glad the new ones are a bit safer than the one we used to have (no net and dodgy padding so you could fall on the edge or the springs or get bounced right off).
I used to have a small indoor trampoline when I was very young. Then as I got older I went to a sports club during the holiday and used a proper professional trampoline. It is fun for a short time, but when you start to get tired it loses it's appeal.
I think it may be more of an Aussie thing. Kids in the suburbs would bounce on trampolines for HOURS when I was a kid. I suppose we have better weather for it.
I love trampolines but had a bad accident on one when I was a kid so don't go on them so much now. My little boy loves them but I do get anxious when there's too many kids on at once, it always seems to end in tears.
The kids love it. Great to both at home and at the recreational centre.
They are great for kids.

My grandchildren use it, and burn a lot of energy, and I tell their mother ''they will sleep well tonight''
Nooooooo I don't get on.
I'm worried if I did, I would not want to get off.!!!
Love them and the kids love them - I get a little scared though, that I'll hurt myself if I start trying to do tricks...
If I wasn't 22 and lookin' like it, I'd totally go and jump on trampolines all day if I could. It is a magical feeling, isn't it?
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