Do you like to try new dishes when eating out or do you stick to familiars?
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I like to taste new flavours when I dine out, to educate my taste buds. Having said that, I won't be interested in dining out on pigs scrotums any time soon !! You never know if you like something until you try it. My husband and I like to try each others food when eating out, so we both get to taste new flavours. Oh dear, there must be more to life than meat and three veg, or chicken parmigiana. Lets try something different. It can get boring otherwise. Not sure about some of the cuisine in the high class restaurants. They have some odd things on the menu.
I don't eat out much, as I have a fear of dirty restaurant's, always have after working in some.
So if it is a very high end, I tend to eat something that I feel would be likable.
Having made a few mistakes with 'new' dishes over time, now I want to be able to enjoy the meal.
I do like to try new flavours but nothing gross. No eyeballs, scrotums or monkey brains for me. (︺︹︺)
Yes, I love trying new dishes on the menus, while dining out, & my husband & I always try each others desserts on the cruise ships!
I do love trying out new dishes because I never know, I might just discover a new favourite; that has certainly happened quite a few times. However, sometimes, I do tend to have specific dishes that I love at certain restaurants and would regularly order them.
I like to try new dishes and encourage my grandchildren to do the same when eating out with me. I also have favourites at one particular restaurant but have tried almost all the dishes they have on the menu.
Sometimes I get a hankering for a particular dish and will order it at a particular restaurant. Sometimes it will be the dish I order each time I go there. If I go to a new place I will try different dishes. I find there are often not many choices in Australia for my ethics.
Yes, I like to orders food I don't or cannot cook at home, no point in going out for the same old same?I will try new flavours and repeat the experiences if I liked it.
I don't eat out very often, so when I do I normally stick to something familiar. I figure if I'm going to spend the money, I want to make sure I'm going to enjoy the meal.
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