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Do you like to regularly challenge yourself?

by Carolyn Hopping (follow)
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Image courtesy of reebs / Wikimedia Commons

Everyday life can sometimes get a bit monotonous, and therefore many people like to challenge themselves to keep their minds sharp and retain their zest. Challenging ourselves can take many forms - learning a new language, beginning a new career, travelling alone for the first time, starting a difficult course or simply trying to be a more caring person.

Do you ever challenge yourself? If so, do like the feeling or is it a bit scary?

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Completing my studies while trying to be a good wife and mum has proven sufficiently challenging for me. For now, that is enough...I feel like I have been studying for a long time...I feel antsy and want to put the skills and knowledge I have acquired to good use, i.e. a job, but I can't get one until I finish the current qualification I am completing. :-|
by Vee
Go you good thing!!!! :)

by jonaja
You'll get there. Don't give up and reap the benefits after. Good luck
by nat_c
Thanks nat_c. :-)
by Vee
Right now I am trying to master computer programming on my own. It is a challenge to say the least.
I'm not an exciting person, so I am quite happy with the monotony of every routine life. I don't go out seeking challenges, but if they present themselves, I can enjoy taking them on. It depends on what the challenge is really. Does it matter if I fail? Is it an important challenge or is it just a bit of fun to see whether I can do it? The latter I like, the former I do not.
I challenge myself every single morning!!!

Do I want to get out of bed?
Do I want to stay in bed?

As far as learning something new, if it is something I am very interested....I just do it.
Just finished learning on what is: 'Art Nouveau'' over the last 6 months.

Now I can identify it quite well and have a extended knowledge, that I never had before.

Also faced one of my big fears 3 weeks ago, and yes it ended in tears....but! I did it, and know it had to be done.It was Huge really.

We have to overcome or learn, so that we do not become stagnant....nothing worse than that
happening I feel.
Sports-wise, have challenged myself all my life.

Probably THE most challenging is horse-riding, where you're not only having to 'look after yourself', but also another living, breathing, strong creature!
A very exhilarating challenge!

Personally, had tried to be the best I could in my employment, by studying, & completing not only formal exams, but also daily challenges, in different departments in Company, & within various jobs of one department.

That was challenging enough for me for a 45 year career!

Now I 'relax' by walking, especially bush-walking, tennis, & swimming.
But I also 'hobby study' many subjects in which I'm very interested. Keeps the brain exercised!
No. I have found it is very difficult to hold two epees and fence with oneself. Couldn't raise a paper cut :(
by Rice
I guess I'm a boring person. I use to love doing craft work and learning new recipes. But craft classes near me do the same old boring stuff. I'm looking forward to my first grandchild and I want to know how to swaddle a baby as that was a strange word when I had children. Things have changed a lot
No am past that apart from on the computer where I do like to challenge myself.
by Finy
I challenge myself whenever I am in fear. I face my fear head, feel challenged and overcome them and end up feeling better than before.
I think I get manifested with change often like for anyone and that automatically lets me challenge myself. But I like it because it will reiterate who I am to me.
Being a housewife is challenging for me, and working as well, and also going to my excercise classes, and my belly dancing classes.
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