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Do you like to put ribbons on gifts?

by Gayle Beveridge (follow)
Gayle Beveridge
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Ribbons by dhester via morgueFile
Image by dhester via morgueFile

When you wrap gifts do you like to put ribbons on as that finishing touch? Do you prefer the curly ribbon or the shiny star shaped ones?

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I'm a sucker for present giving and I love to dress up the gifts. I particulalry like the curly ribbons, but often used the star shaped stickons. I think a silk flower makes a lovely addition to the corner of a ladie's gift or for a young girl a lovely silk butterfly.

If cost is an issue the stars, butterflies and flowers are easly made from paper.
I go a tad overboard sometimes, but people love it....I like attaching 'things' to the ribbon, and it makes the gift even more special.
No, I don't faff around with ribbon. Wrapping is simply to hide what's inside. No point wasting time and money on silly editions.
When I have ribbon to use, yes.
But usually no.
Not any more. I used to take a lot of care wrapping presents, spending ages getting them looking beautiful then I would be horrified to see all my hard work just being ripped off in a frenzy to find the present underneath.... so now I don't bother! The gift is the important part after all, not the wrapping. And I think that can be used an analogy for life too :)
No I can't be bothered doing this.

I used to sell wrapping paper and ribbons, and even then, I rarely would use them ---it DOES look lovely however would rather spend my time doing something else.
by Finy
I love to decorate gifts and find myself forever curling ribbon at Christmas time.
If gifting to an adult, probably yes, depending on the person.

Definitely NOT to children, waste of money. Even wrapping paper is wasted on kids'!
I love the curly finish
If there is ribbon in the house, yes. If not I improvise with wool/embroidery silk, string or what ever I can lay my hands on. But for children's gifts, I don't use ribbon, it takes to long to rip into the present!
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