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Do you like to pull an 'all-nighter'?

by chipp (follow)
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Sometimes you need to extend the hours a little to get some work done. Or, you may just like to extend the hours because it is the best time of the day.

Do you like to pull an 'all-nighter'? Do you experience any side-effects as a result?

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I don't pull all nighters. Stuff like that puts your whole biological clock out of whack. Unless it is absolutely necessary, or you are a night owl, it isn't recommended.
I love doing night stuff. I do my best work at night - BUT - I do pay the price the next day! Exhausted!
Not at all. I used to be great at it when I was at uni (what uni student isn't?), but nowadays I feel hungover the next day if I've pulled an all nighter.
I have a lot of time.There was this one time where I was awake a whole night helping my dad with a presentation.It was fun.
Not anymore. I've got little kids to wake me up at night so missing sleep is not an option!
When I was young, yes. But now, no way. I love my sleep. If I mess with my sleep routine then I'm tired the next day and it's frustrating to be tired because I feel like I've lost the whole day.

Just did last night!

I am about to go to bed, and sleep....There will be side effects, and I will have to deal with them, for the next 2-3 days at my age.
(That is what happens when I baby-sit) :(
I have pulled an 'all-nighter' only once. Never again. During my HSC, I had to complete an assignment. I had gotten a start on it as soon as I received the notification, but soon got complacent and thought I'd have time to complete it. The day before it was due, I got home from school around four in the afternoon and began the arduous task of completing it. I didn't finish until seven the next morning, at which point I had to get my sisters ready for school and head out myself. As the college captain at my school, I then set a shining example to my peers by falling asleep on stage during a school assembly (thankfully nobody noticed but my co-captain). I don't remember anything else about that day, except that I went home and slept for a couple of hours before getting up to complete another assessment task. Never, never again. I thought I was going to lose my mind.
by Vee
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