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Do you like to go on long drives?

by Radhika (follow)
Radhika Ram
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Do you like going on long drives? Who would you take with you? Do you like listening to music while you're on a long drive?

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I personally love going for drives. It allows me to have time to think and mull things over. I also like to be taken for love drives by my boyfriend. It's like a mini adventure and we always have fun. When I drive by myself, I have my music quite loud but when I'm with my boyfriend, we have soft classical music.
That is one of my favourite things to do. I love long road trips ... I usually travel with my son. It's great bonding time. We listen to the music, we talk, stop for coffee and snacks along the way. In fact we are heading up to the Coffs Harbour tomorrow and then driving up to Gold Coast 4 days later.
HA!! Not with two kids who are constantly asking "Are we there yet?". One of my children might have a slight motion sickness issue, so I literally calculate the time it will take me to go from one place to another and try to avoid the longer trips with children. Anyhow, I do hope it will get better in the future, as I personally like long drives.
Another concern is the cost of fuel, which is getting higher every day! Sigh!
And even though I normally like listening to the radio or music, on long drives I hope to use that time to think or to be with myself, or to talk to my husband/kids.
One more thing: if nothing else, we like to play "I spy with my little eye" on long trips.
Not keen on long drives.

I can do them, and I know they can be fun, maybe this is a time to just get to where I have too.

I keep wishing, as I drive there..................... I was already there.

Hey, jonaj, who's ya cutie friend? Lol!
by donjo
Isn't he sweet :) lol
by jonaja
I love to go for long drives with my husband, listening to some romantic soft music.
Thats my hobby. Love long drive and going to new places and meeting new people.
Love them. A great escape but not too long. Two hours max.
Yes, when that means escaping the traffic of the city I do. Live to take the family and listen to rock songs.
Yes, I love them....although I'm usually not the driver! My husband usually is on our road trips. Over the last year or two we've tried to do regular drives every couple of months to different places outside of Perth and have discovered some lovely spots out in the country. We usually stay somewhere overnight, or for a couple of nights if we have the time, which is also nice as it means we can travel further.
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