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Do you like to eat crab?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you like to eat crab?

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I went to the Hyatt buffet this week and they had crab and it was delicious.

It is not something that I have ever bought as I have difficulty eating it however this was not the legs and they were cut in half and the meat came out very easily.

Passed a fish shop and almost bought more except I ate so much at the Hyatt I thought not! I wouldnt know how to cut it in half to eat either.

I love most seafood apart from scallops and sometimes those little squids are too chewy though that is how they are cooked....

So a resounding YES to I like crab meat!
by Finy
Nutcrackers. That's what most Aussies seem to use. . . . although I have known a few people who just snapped them with their hands . . . I think you have to watch for shards though.
by Rice
I absolutely love crab. Dipped in melted butter with lemon. YUM!
Now THAT sounds really good . . . . ! Maybe I will try it.
by Rice
I have had it a few times. Its OK but not something I'll go out of my way to have.
I had crab once and I liked it. I would have it again.
Crab. Hmmmm. Until I was nearly twenty I had only had crab from a tin. This made liking real crab a bit of a trial. I am not keen on seafood at all and crab always seems wet and mushy to me but I can eat it and would if it meant not starving to death.
by Rice
oh NO seafood! And we like so many other things the same! eg. David
by Finy
Well, I eat a little . . . we can have fish n chips and discuss . . . David . . .by the sea . . . . . ???
by Rice
ooh how romantic that sounds!!! what a good idea.....we could take the fur babies also? They could attack a few dogs....
by Finy
Hmmmm. . . that has made me wonder if he has a dog . . .I know he likes cats.
by Rice
I have had it tinned (I know).
Would love to have it fresh!

One day :)
Yet again . . . it's an English thing. Heehee.
by Rice
you know it! lol...lol
by jonaja
I wouldn't choose it on a menu but I would eat it if I was a guest at someones house
by AJ
I usually wait until the foam from the chemist has worked its magic, followed by 2 shampoos.......
Sorry, I don't get that. Is that something to do with eating crabs???
by Miro
LOL. *wicked*
by Rice
I like IT, but IT does not like ME!!! I am allergic to shellfish, so unless I want a holiday in hospital,
I do not eat any of these delicious morsels!
Again, I shall have to ask everyone o enjoy for me too when you indulge!!!
I read the first bit and had wild visions of you and a crab fencing . . you had a sword and he was unarmed. LOL LOL. Of course, because I have no idea what you look like, in my vision you were the same size as the crab and looked like Joan of Arc. Wahahahahahahahahahahahahahha.
by Rice
Oh Dear!!! That is better than the crab being the same size as ME!!!! HEE HEE HEE!!!!! You always make such super comments, and bring so many smiles to others!!! Your comments from and to Finy today cracked me up!!!!
Now if it was David fighting the crab and saving me, THAT would be a treat!!!!
by Jules
Oh my . . Saint David and the crab . . . . it would be like St George and the Dragon with you being the Damson in Dis Dress. What a plum job. Wahahahahahahahaha!!
by Rice
As long as no one was out to win the cherry!!! THAT is well and truly PRESERVED!!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I AM DYING!!!!
by Jules
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Evil woman!!
by Rice
Fresh crab meat is so sweet - it's absolutely delicious and (unless allergic to seafood) everyone should try it. It's also extremely low in fat and provides a high protein hit.

The downside is that it's an expensive eat (when you prise away the outer shell there's not a lot of meat to enjoy) BUT most notably it's just so fiddly and cumbersome to eat. The best part of the crab is found in the legs and claws - where you'll find the juiciest and most sweet tasting meat, it's just a punishment to reach ! Having said this whenever we make a cold seafood platter at home for guests it does usually contain one obligatory crab !
Yes I do love crab
Only eat it if I catch it and cook it myself
Love it. Enjoy soft shell crab from my favourite restaurant. Would eat the huge chilli crabs too if my auto immune system would let me. But my favourite is the king Alaskan crab claws which we eat a lot. We do use nutcrackers and kitchen scissors to get most of the meat out as it's sometimes difficult to use your hands without getting spiked. We eat it with freshly squeezed lime, or with home made seafood dressing. It has such a nice sweet taste so don't like to cook it.
No I'm not a big crustacean lover, although I have been crabbing and found it fun, I have even tasted crayfish, I don't know what all the fuss is about.
Yes, I love crab. We have had it a couple of times on cruises. I've never bought 1 & cooked it, but if I'm out for dinner &I see 'soft shell crab' on the menu, I'll certainly buy it! I just LOVE soft shell crab!
by Miro
I love crab, but it has to be fresh!

I first had a fresh one, which I picked out, in Bali when I was 15!
There is also something about the process of breaking the shell and getting messy!

I have tried it crumbed, fried etc and it just isn't as good, still yummy but Fresh is Best!

I have recently found that I am not fond of the crab meat you get in little squares, the ones you seem to get in Combination Stir Fry's at Vietnamese restaurant.
I love to eat crab but I wish someone else would prepare it for me. Its annoying having to try and get the meat out and I cut myself on several occassions.
I dont like buying crab in tins though because ever single tin I've ever bought to use in a recipe has had pieces of shell in it.
Love it!
Nothing better than fresh bread, buttered, P & S, & fresh crab meat, just cooked. Superb!
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