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Do you like to cook?

by chipp (follow)
Food (698)      Cooking (175)      Kitchen (39)     

Not all of us enjoying being in the kitchen. Sometimes it becomes part of the chores. Do you like to cook? And if you do, what are the things you enjoy cooking the most?

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I love to especially curry.
I used to love cooking, but then my family suddenly got very picky. So even if I'd spend hours preparing a meal which they'd scoff down in minutes, they'd say, "It was okay." It really killed my passion for cooking.
Oh Dom a.....
You were TOO good! I would've told them to get their own the very FIRST time they uttered a negative response! That's pretty ungrateful to you!
by donjo
I love cooking and I do a lot of it. Everything from curries to cakes.
I love to cook. I think cooking can be very therapeutic.
I've always loved cooking. Probably because my Mum & her Mum,
were such GOOD cooks!

Back in the day, did much entertaining at home. Loved every aspect of it. Would start reading my Recipe Books at minus one month. Wrote everything down. I was fortunate to have a 'knack' of timing. Everything always went well, thank goodness. Over the years' various guests' suggested I start a 'home catering business'. I disagreed, because then it would become a 'chore' & no longer an enjoyable 'hobby'.

I kept a 'log' of what the Menu was, so if those particular folk came to a Dinner again, I didn't 'repeat' a Course to them!

I look back upon those times as some of THE most enjoyable!
My son, at age 10, decided he wanted to be a Chef! Upon finishing Grade XII, he went to TAFE for FOUR years' & studied hard, getting excellent results!
He's now a Sous Chef, with Patisserie Certificate & B.Hosp.Mgt!
I must've done something right in my 'cooking example'!
Yes I like to cook, but not everyday. Sometimes I just need a break.
Yes, when I'm with my partner - it's a great sociable activity :)
I enjoy cooking for dinner parties and special occassions, but not so much everyday cooking.
I do when I have nothing else on, and I can just be and enjoy the experience. Otherwise I don't like it.
I enjoy cooking, I just hate deciding what to cook!
by Vee
I love to cook. Particularly complicated dishes that take hours to assemble like lasagne and byriani. I don't have as much time to make them these days with small children, so make it a game to come up with things I like to eat which can be produced fast - in under 30 or even 15 minutes - so that I can feed the kids before they complain and start digging for snacks.
I love to cook. But I preferably like to cook foods like fudge, cookies and muffins.
Nope, nope, nope but I love to eat!
I mostly love to cook, though do not like it when I feel obliged every night.
I used to have a problem with working out what to make, however now with the Internet I have about 200 recipes that I have printed and want to try.
by Finy
I like cooking as long as I am not already super hungry, it's times like this that I usually say, "too bad, we're going out for food."
Yes, I enjoy cooking. I cook a 'new' meal 6 nights a week, & date them all, so I only make each 1, once a year plus!!!
by Miro
Yes, very much. I cook almost everyday.
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