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Do you like the idea of personalised picture books for children?

by Vee (follow)
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Image by DarrenHester. Sourced from morguefile.com

Personalised picture books for children are all the rage at the moment.

Do you like the idea of personalised picture books for children, and is there a particular book you would recommend?

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No. They have enough of themselves. Its good for them to read about other people and cultures.
I would be worried they would turn out like KK or her sister Kylie Jenner . . . . totally self absorbed. The younger one has had a huge portrait of her face painted on an interior wall in her house! However, I always hated my photo taken as a child and I still do, so I may be biased about the results. Anyway, Alice in Wonderland would be my pick for a girl.
by Rice
Rice, you are not a nitwit. There are picture books you can have made with children's faces on them. I think these (https://www.mycustomkidsbooks.com/) are not a good idea and would encourage the sort of self-absorption you are talking about. ;-)
by Vee
And I quite like the idea of AIW. ;-)
by Vee
Thank you, Vee, you are very understanding :-)
by Rice
Yes, well, it's easy to be understanding when I agree with you, Rice. lol ;-)
by Vee
My husband and I bought a personalised picture book for our son. It's such a beautiful book because of the illustrations (he does not feature in it graphically) and the story. While it was pricey, we thought it would be a nice keepsake for his first birthday. The thing I like best about the book, which can be found here http://www.custommadeforkids.com/personalized-childrens-book.html, is that the story allows you to include other members of your family and friends who will be a part of your child's life. It's just magical.

He also received another personalised book for Christmas this year, which is nice because the main character (named after your child) loses his or her name and goes on a quest to find it. It can be found here: https://www.lostmy.name/books/lostmyname?gclid=CjwKEAiA8qG1BRDz0tmK0pufw3QSJACfn6olNUZ-dAAnARZlapAJlY40gGAGaXio8ZFMrmtUbMQZgRoCftbw_wcB
by Vee
So, Vee, I strike again and have completely misunderstood the question. Oh dear. Just put "nitwit" under my answer.
by Rice
On my reply, i meant to write: The Red Shoes, NOT, The Red Roes! Sorry.
by Miro

LOVE the idea, and wish they had them when my boys were young.

It brings the book to life, and the child can relate much better.

My little grandchildren both have had them, and just had the best time reading.

I also think, it does help the child to read better.
I agree. I think it helps to motivate them to read because they are more interested in what happens to the characters.
by Vee

by jonaja
I love them. We got a personalised book for our children when they were young. They loved seeing their names in print, and the names of their friends, and it did encourage them to read. A wonderful idea.
I think they are a great idea but wish they had more pages for the price. As for recommending a book, it all depends on what the child is interested in. One grandson loves Minions, his brother anything action like batman etc. As for the girls, Frozen is very popular.
They are a great idea. I used to produce them when they first came onto the market many years ago
Like Jonaj, my husband & I ordered 2 beautiful little books for our little grand-daughters. The eldest was getting one with ‘her name’ travelling the world, the 2 year old was getting The Red Roes, like in your photo! We pade the money, but unfortunately the books never turned up, & we received a full refund. (But I would rather have received the books!)
What a pity. I wonder why the books didn't show up.
by Vee
Yes, I have bought these once or twice for my grandchildren -they were quite excited!
by Finy
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