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Do you like surprises?

by annep (follow)
Life (383)      Emotions (17)      Surprises (2)     
Photo: Grant Cochrane - freedigitalphotos.net

Do you like surprises?

Of course, I am not referring to the wake-up-and-find-your-house-robbed variety, but the kind of surprises that are meant to be pleasant. A surprise birthday party, a secret anniversary gift, a surprise proposal, or even your husband coming back early from a business trip unannounced.

What do you think? Love it? Hate it?

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Top Answers
I don't like surprises. I don't do spontaneity and like to have things planned ahead of time. If someone surprises me with something then it usually means that I am going to have to adjust my schedule, which I find very stressful.
I love surprises. The best surprise was for my 40th birthday, when my family organised for me to dive with sharks at Manly Aquarium. And when I swam into the aquarium, all of my friends were there on the other side of the glass.
Oh wow! I would have run....and quickly, your very brave. :)
by jonaja
I'm not sure how people feel, but I don't particularly enjoy being surprised. I just don't like to be caught unprepared. Besides, I'm a curious person. Being kept in the dark is just not the thing for me at all.
I shut down with surprizes....I had a very wonderful person give me her mothers car,(when her mother passed away).

That was so wonderful, but the shock was more than my mind could process.

I was totally overwhelmed, could not understand what was happening.

It took me over a week, to fully understand...that.. it was now my car.

I love surprises, good surprises more precisely. Good surprises arouse a wide array of fulfilling and happy feelings in our mind and heart. The feelings of euphoria and subsequent adrenaline rush, accompanied by a warm glow on the face and faster heartbeats. It is a fabulous experience. On the other hand, negative surprises can be quite traumatic.

So i enjoy surprises, but only good ones.
I love surprised, and only if they're pleasant. Pranks (unpleasant surprises) are not good. Life is a mystery anyway...
I love good surprises - they make life more fun!
Love them
Hate surprises.
From someone saying "boo" to a surprise function. Not my scene in any way, shape or form.
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