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Do you like spicy food?

by Radhika (follow)
Radhika Ram
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Photo by Kittikun Atsawintarangkul, http://www.freedigitalphotos.net

What kind of food do you like? If given a choice, will you go for spicy food or do you prefer milder tastes?

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Looking at that picture makes me hungry..so I would say yes...but not "hot as hell" hot. just medium spicy!
Yes I love spicy food.
I like food with lots of spices, but I don't like it when chilli overwhelms all the other flavours...
I do like sweet chilli sauce,but that is as far as I am allowed to go!
The spicy foods are one of my favourites.
Can't take the bland food for long.
Yes, especially Thai green curry (though I don't have it as hot as tht Thais do).
I have a clear differentiation for spicy and hot food.While I feel spicy food has a lot of flavours and spices, hot food is simply hot and isnt about the spices.

In this definition, I love spicy food but a big no for hot food.
I don't eat if all the time, but I do enjoy spicy food. We probably have something spicy once every couple of weeks. I've just discovered Wasabi Peas too, which, just as they sound, are green peas spiced with Wasabi. Yum!
Spicy is the only way to eat one's food. I love it.
by Vee
Yes! I never used to, but decided to try and build up my tolerance to it. Now, I love it, although I like to make it myself so that I can control exactly how spicy it is.
I love spicy food. Indian is a real treat. The rest of my family though don't like it.
I love spicy food; but it doesn't kind of agree with me anymore!
Not too spicy, to me it spoils the true flavour of food. AND I am fed up with seeing prepared foods at supermarkets ruined with added Chili! Chilli soups, chilli sauces, chilli tinned fish, chilli coffee, chilli chilli chilli, and in chocolates even.
Spicy food over mild every time, every meal. I love spicy Chinese food, Thai food, Indian dishes, Mexican dishes. If it's spicy, I'll love it.
Mild, definitely.
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