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Do you like Spanish Paella?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: Pixabay.com

Do you like Spanish paella?

Do you make it yourself and what sort of seafood do you put in it (if any)?

#Spanish food
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I really like Paella -usually like bought in a restaurant better than my own.

I know this is because I skimp on salt!!
I used to wonder why my mother's cooking tasted better than mine for the same recipe, until I realised in her days, they put as much salt as they liked in food and it really gave it more taste than my cooking where I usually do not put any salt in.

However I love paella with prawns, and mussels and even pieces of fish though I think prawns are really the main seafood that goes so well with the spices and rice.

Ye,s love Spanish paella!
by Finy
I have never had it, but the seafood would stop me in my tracks. Prawns, mussels, octopus and fish would stop me from ordering it in a restaurant straight off.
by Rice
I have not had it since I went on a date back in 1973.
From what I remember I think it was ok :)
PMG Jonaj -you remember a date in 1973??????
by Finy
Oh! yessss I remember it well, there were 4 of us....Indeed.
by jonaja
Yes, I love paella. I put prawns in it. I know this winery that makes it in a huge pan and shares it amongst the patrons. It is the specialty dish and people come from all over to savour it.
I've had it in Spain and enjoyed it but haven't found anywhere here that makes it as good.
Being allergic to seafood,this is a dish I never eat! I cannot even imagine being able to have just a spoonful!!
We’ve only eaten it once when we called in on friends, uninvited, as were were passing their house. They made a huge 1 & it was very yummy, but as it was a few years ago now, I can't remember what was on it except it did have prawns.’
I like paella, fried rice, risotto, nasi goreng - they are all about the same. Good for using up leftovers.
Yes, yes yes! Love Paella especially the ones made at home - YUM! Especially when the weather is getting colder too.
I've never had one.
by Vee
One of my fave meals at a restaurant!
So full of good nutrition.
I,ve never had paella to tell you the truth, I think I would enjoy it as long as it doesn't have seafood in it.
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