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Do you like scones, jam and cream, and do you make your own scones?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you like scones, jam and lashings of cream with a hot cup of tea?

Have you ever made your own scones?

#Afternoon tea
#Scones, jam and cream
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I LOVE scones jam and cream and especially if the jam is home made and the scones are large and fluffy!

However some scones seem to be so much better than others -generally in the country they are nicer.

I sometimes buy them from Bakers Delight and I have made them a few times, but they did not rise a lot.
by Finy
I have made my own, and they were lovely.

I have them now and then, I am more a slice of cake person.
They are very nice I know a lot of folk love them.
I grew up with them all the time, so hence my love now for cake......lol :)
Bakers Delight have REALLY nice one's!
Yes, jonaj, Baker's Delight Fruit Scones (my fave) are good 'cos they've lots of fruit in them!
Went to Coffee Shop once, ordered Scones with Cappucino. All looked lovely & fresh & were, EXCEPT the supposed 'fruit' scone had TWO sultana's in it! I called waitress over, showing her the 'fruit' scone & asked for refund on it only, which I got! That's ridiculous! TWO sultana's!!! Not happy!
by donjo
Makes you wonder if someone was standing over that poor little scone, and just stuck the 2 in for good luck! :)...lol
by jonaja
jonaj, you're probably right! Legally, they HAD, at a minimum, the TWO Sultanas to be able to call them 'FRUIT Scones'! I just buy them, now, like you, from Bakers' Delight, & find them always fresh AND with plenty of fruit! With a hot 'cuppa', they're total bliss with jam & cream! Cheers!
by donjo
Absolutely!...wish I had some now.....lol
by jonaja
I love scones, although I only have them occasionally. I do like them with jam and cream, but usually only have them with jam unless having afternoon tea. I do sometimes make scones; I have made jam before, but usually leave that to my mum, and I have never made my own cream.
I have made a lot of scones in my past lives! but not now. I do enjoy SJ&C but wouldn't rave. I like muffins much more
by Fran
I have only ever enjoyed home made scones,as I never seem to get truly fabulous ones from many stores,cafes or even bakeries for some reason. There is a lovely tearoom I sometimes go to,where the owner makes ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING on the menu! I do enjoy HER scones with the necessary fresh cream and home made jam!! I used to make scones quite often before I was married,and then I just made other creations instead!
Yes I love scones - but only with jam. I don't like cream on them. I have made my own scones before and they turned out really well
by AJ
Yes and yes! My mum is a champion scone maker - she has won numerous awards for her scones at various shows over the years. My husband and son also bake a pretty mean scone, so although I can make my own, I very rarely do. I'm spoilt!
Summer afternoons spent in the garden demolishing a cream tea, that's what life is all about :)
I like scones and have made my own. I like them fresh from the oven with jam or butter
by Gia
Love them! Should make them, but haven't done this since school.
by Vee
Nowadays, I buy fruit scones from 'Baker's Delight'. They're chock-full of fruit, are a decent size & are beautifully fresh!

I usually buy two, take them home & 'set-up' my own mini-High Tea!
Fresh bread, buttered, with a smidge of HE Mustard, fresh Ham-off-the-bone, & cut into mini-triangles, & enjoyed with a hot cuppa.

Then the scones, slightly buttered, with usually, Raspberry Jam, & Cream!

Heaven, eh what!
I never eat them, not a fan really
I love scones, jam and cream. And sometimes it is hard to find the scone under the cream!!! Tried making scones once, turned out disasterously. If the army need cannon ammo, I was their gal :-)
That's so funny! ROFL!
by donjo
I love home made scones with lashings of jam and cream. I find a lot of shop bought scones are far too dry so stopped buying them years ago. I come from a family of prize winning scone makers. My grandmother's pumpkin scones and date scones were to die for. One year my mother entered the local council cooking competition against my grandmother and mum beat her. She didn't speak to mum for 2 weeks after that.
Yes, there's nothing like a good Devonshire Tea! (But I would choose a slice of Tiramisu over the scones!) I made my own, years & years ago, but they turned out like little bullets! (I might look up a microwave recipe, if there is such a thing!) If I'm out in a cafe ordering these, I'd have them with a latte, but I'm sure their nicer with a cup of tea!
by Miro
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