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Do you like plums?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you like plums, and do you have a favourite type?

#Summer fruit
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Yes, I like plums -probably not my favourite stone fruit however still like and buy them in summer.

I like the dark ones more than the yellow fleshed ones generally but there seems to be more varieties of these every year.

I also make a lovely plum cake with freestone ones.
by Finy
I do!.
But I haven't had any in quite some time...they have a delicate taste, and are just wonderful for Jam.

I didn't know you can get 'freestone' ones?
Have to look into that, this spring and summer.
I am happy to say that I can again enjoy plums after making myself so ill on them as a child that I couldn't even look at them for many years!!! A friend had plum trees and as kids we would climb them and utterly 'pig out' on the fruit till we had dreadful belly aches!!! So for a very long time plums were no longer a favourite at all!!Over the last 10 years or so ,though I have been really enjoying the Black Amber ones in particular(very dark,almost black skin with gorgeous firm yet juicy yellow flesh)as well as the miniature Sugar Plums which seem to be more readily available these days.
I like plums but I don't have them often.
by AJ
I do like plums, but only buy them when they are on special. They're not my favourite stone fruit, but they're nice when you get a sweet one!
Yes. I think blood plums are my favourite.
I'm with Finy - I prefer the dark varieties.
by Vee
I like plum jam
Yes I do like plums, in fact I like all fruit- though with the exception of pomegranates
I love plums but I am used to having a big variety to choose from. Blood plums from an old tree are gorgeous and great for both eating and making jam. Nowadays in supermarkets you may get a choice of 2 varieties but when I was a kid there were many, many varieties to choose from. In Australia, so many varieties of fruit have simply disappeared and now, what is available, is almost considered a rarity. Don't know what happened.
Yes, I like plums. My mother to stew them when we were kids, & serve them with home made yoghurt. Yum. Every year I think I’m going to stew some, but I never do!
I love plums ,my favourite is victoria plums,i dont think they are grown in Australia
Dark plums are yum!
Love ALL stone fruit, & prefer them really cold!
Yes, especially the dark fleshed varieties, which always taste sweeter and juicier.
Used to love blood plums, angelina, greengage, red, but now they all seem to have disappeared from the market. Guess some other country is now growing them. Don't know what happened to all the beautiful stone fruit we used to have in Australia…..just a memory now.
Apathy :(( 20th century disease.
by Rice
I just love plums and I can't wait for the season to start every year. I eat some every day. They are lovely and sweet and there's that soft texture in my mouth. Delicious!!!
Yes, I like plums. In my country plums are very common.
I like plums, the dark ones, cooked. I love plum jam, plum sauce and I used to make pickled plums which are nice with a platter of cold meat. A few times I made a lovely plum and orange jam in the microwave.
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