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Do you like OREO Biscuits?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you like Oreo biscuits/products?

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I probably would have before I stopped eating sugar/biscuits/cake etc every day, though think they were even a bit sweet for me who loved sweet things.
It is amazing what will power I have! I walk past these lovely cake shops and think, just one, once in a while, and always think, NO, if I start to eat again, I will not stop, and then I have a problem with sugar levels.

Oreo biscuits were not ones that I used to buy when I DiD eat biscuits, and I really dont know why so many people like them - even the chocolate does not taste like real chcoolate!

So, thumbs down to Oreo!
by Finy
Why do we need Oreos? America can keep them. Plus, I find them revolting. Sooooo sweet and tacky. That said, all biscuits seem to be going that way so I'm glad I never buy or eat any. If I was to weaken it would be a good old milk arrowroot with a slab of butter. I like a bit of biscuit with my butter.
by Rice
Rice! you have hit it on the head my girl. :) loving ya work.
by jonaja
Yum, that arrowroot with butter sounds delicious...
by Finy
Well my favourite WAS arrowroot……but not anymore. They have changed, and not for the better
by fran.
Totally agree with you, fran . . . I just buy the Aldi ones now . . .any port in a storm :(
by Rice
I remember arrowroot biscuits in a large flat soup bowl, boiling water poured over them, plate on top for a couple of minutes and when the plate was removed, they would be double the size…..then a sprinkle of sugar and milk all over, was like a breakfast "treat". Tried doing it recently, and nothing happened to the arrowroot they were the same size, just soggy. Everything has to change I guess.
by fran.
I bought my first packet of Oreos at Christmas time. I used them to decorate my double chocolate cheesecake, covered in melted chocolate. I put Oreos cut in half and Ferrero Rocher balls on top, and had it for one of our Christmas parties here at home. I did try a broken one, for research purposes only, and it was quite nice. I am not someone who eats biscuits, so I can happily say No to biscuits, including Oreos, when offered.
Question: why? do we even need them!
We have our own nice little bikkies.
I just think they are a over rated so called biscuit.
We don't need Oreo's we have had for a long long time our very own Delta Cream and it is by far a nicer biscuit!

Yeahhhhh . . . ! :D
by Rice
I don't care for them either way. Though, my son and I just played the game Othello and he laughed as he thought the counters looked like Oreo biscuits when they were stacked together and that we should change the name of the game.
by Gem
I dislike these biscuits. Tried a bite and that was enough for me. Entirely over-rated American cookie. I'm echoing the arrowroot biscuit. Nice and simple with butter as mentioned but I quite happily dunk them in my coffee nowadays. Remember icing them and using different colours with Smarties decorating the faces.
yes they are very nice
I even make pudding with them
I tried some a few months back when they were on special and convenient small packs THEN I read the label and most of them are made in CHINA!!!!! Sl never again and as most of yo say, why do we need them when we have many Local companies techies from
Waaay to sweet. Its like diabetes in waiting.
I like them but they are nowhere near a favorite of mine. Can't even remember the last time I had one
by AJ
have tried them and do not like so will never buy them again
I've never bought them, nor tasted them, & that goes for any other Oreo product as well.
by Miro
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