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Do you like minestrone, and do you make it regularly?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you like minestrone soup, and do you make it regularly?

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Yes, I like minestrone, but have not made it now for over a year.
It is fiddly to make - I seem to always make chicken soup in my slow cooker lately as I can also use that in cooking after I freeze it and thus I do not have to buy the packaged, salty broths for cooking.
Though now that I asked the question, I might try minestrone in my slow cooker, as it is healthy!
by Finy
Meh.. it is okay.

I prefer my soups a little more creamy. So much more comforting to me.
I probably should cook it again. I am sure it is much healthier than my creamy options!
Love it but never made it :)
I love it but I haven't made it for ages. I love soup with beans in for some reason. Minestrone is such a lovely soup, I should make it more often.
by Rice
I love minestrone soup. We haven't had it for a few months, so I should put it on the menu again soon. All these questions about food remind me of foods I should be putting on the menu more often. My family really love ministrone and it certainly is the time of year for a hearty meal in a bowl.
I have never made it.

Have had it....but not something I go out of my way to eat.
I used to make a big pot of minestrone soup every fortnight which would last for 3-4 days. Cold minestrone is equally as nice with a hint of chilli during summer. I haven't made minestrone for a couple of years only because I'm keen to try other flavours and vegetable combinations. My husband isn't a huge soup fan so a pot of soup will normally last me 3-4 days or meals. Last weekend I made fennel soup using mushroom stock as my base. I'll probably finish the last drop in a couple of days !
I like minestrone soup but I have never made it. I haven't had it for a long time.
by AJ
I don't like it and can't eat the beans in it so it's a no no in my place.
I do like minestrone soup,however have never made it. Might just do that for the time I make soup.
Yes I love it but do not make it enough.
Yes, I do like minestrone soup, I was brought up with it, my mum was good at making it, and I do make it sometimes, I love the chunky vegetables, and if you boil a ham hock or any smoked meat it definately adds flavour.
No, I've never made it.
by Miro
I LOVE this wonderful soup!! It is a real comfort food to me, even here in the Nth Qld tropics!! I do only make it in the middle of winter though.I used to do it far more often when I lived in Victoria. I love that as well as being so delicious, it is really nutritious and a complete meal in itself! Yummmmm!
Yes, and yes. It's one of the few meals my children will eat without complaining, and it's actually good for them.
I do enjoy a good minestrone, though I cannot recall the last time I have made this lovely comforting soup!! I actually really enjoy all the fine cutting and preparation but I am no longer able to easily do this type of thing.
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