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Do you like Mexican food?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: brjunetka.ru

Do you like, and eat Mexican food?

#Mexican food
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Yes, I really like Mexican food but not many of my friends do so I do not often eat it out.

I did however make one a few nights ago (hence my previous question re beans) but did not put in as many beans as I would have liked in the recipe.

I like my Mexican food fairly hot - medium and I love melted cheese, or any cheese, so love most of their dishes.
by Finy
Oh, (wo)man! Too bad we are on opposites sides of the country. We would go out for Mexican together all the time otherwise!
by Vee
q'uell dommage!

by Finy
I'll come too! I really like Mexican.
by Rice
OK, it is today week, we are going to Mexican in subiaco -who is coming then? just a cheap plane fare away
by Finy
Oh! Finy, cheap & airfare, in the one sentence, is an oxymoron! Ole!
by donjo
Yes, I do. Most of it is easy to prepare and it's easy to make it vegetarian or vegan. I like it a bit spicy.
Yes! as long as there are no beans...spice...or hot chillis, we are good to go.
I really like Mexican food. I like it hot and without coriander. >.<
by Vee
I do enjoy Mexican Food! It is so easy to make and also very easy to eat.I love that many of the dishes are ideal for sharing,which means that there is little ever left over or wasted! My son,who is a chef,spent many years working in the top Mexican restaurant here before going to Melbourne,and the restaurant down there where he works,loves the dishes he can create so quickly and economically. I tend not to go for the really spicy dishes,but I do like a bit of heat.
Yes, we really like Mexican food, as long as it is not too spicy. We prepare our own food which is easy enough .We don't usually go out to a Mexican restaurant.
Yep, at least once a fortnight. I find the heat and spices to be uplifting
No I don't like Mexican food, and I don't like couscous, polenta or any other third world country foods.
Its not a favorite but I like having burritos and tacos. There are a few other lesser known dishes I have had which I like but cant remember the name s.
I love Mexican food. We don't have a decent Mexican restaurant nearby and the last two times we ate at Mexican restaurants were very dissapointing.
When I make it at home it always seems so fiddly making lots of separate components and leaving lots of washing up. After reading comments here I am wondering of I am doing it wrong.

As long as it's vegetarian!
When I spent some time in Mexico, yes, I did!
It was 'true blue' proper, of course, & was just the best! Loved it!

Bought home much of their chocolate bars, to make Cocoa, their way, with the funny little wooden mixer. Yum!

AND, yes, I declared it for Customs; no problem as it was commercially wrapped!
I absolutely love mexican food. I usually make it at home though. We often have burritos at home. There is a thing called Crunch wrap on taco bell , USA menu and I used to love it. We don't get it in Australia, so I have started making it at home. It was on our menu last night - so delicious with the molten cheese and nacho cheese with sour cream in it !
by BK
I don't mind mexican food, it's really flavoursome, but I don't like it too hot.
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