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Do you like mango?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you like mango?

#Summer fruit
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I suddenly really love it - I dont remember ever buying so many, and have discovered that it is nice in cooking!
Have made it with a sweet and a savoury dish (recipeyum.com.au) and also like eating it raw.

I have bought 4 already where normally I would only buy about 2 or 3 in a whole summer season.
by Finy
Oh yes. Without a doubt. It was a thrill growing up and picking fresh mangoes from the tree.
It is ok. I don't really eat it raw. I will have it in juices or desserts but that's about it. I wouldn't go out and buy one. I would only have it, if it is in something I am already eating
Yes i love mangos. I particularly like them in a salad
by AJ
I love mango,as soon as the season starts I can smell them at the green grocer and at the supermarkets, I was brought up on mangoes and had them when we could.
Love it

Mmmmmmmmmmm mm mm mm mm . . . . . .!!
by Rice
Just ate 8 over a week!

Guess that's a yup :)
I love them but they are very expensive in South Australia. I only have them as a luxury food.
I like the very first one from my tree, but truth be known,I really far prefer them dried than fresh! I used to give the dried bounty from my 50+ year old tree as gifts as they weigh so little when I want to post them anywhere! Here in Nth Qld they are almost like weeds and I have never paid for one,ever!!!!!
What 'Banana-bender' doesn't?

Cold mango, with, or without Vanilla Ice Cream!

Do you remember the individually-wrapped Vanilla Party Ice Cream Slices?
I think they came in a cardboard-box of 10, or was it a dozen?
They fitted between rectangular 'cone'-type 'sandwiches', & were originally designed, I think, for kids' parties', as small, & easy to manage in paper-dessert plate, for little hands!

I love mango. It's one of my favorite fruits. I love eating it raw (green mango) or ripe. I love all delicacies and desserts made from mango (e.g. mango sticky rice, mango float, mango shake and dried mangoes dipped in chocolate). When I buy cake for my parents, it's usually mango flavor too.
by Vee
Yum! Fresh mango and king prawns - heaven. I can eat a mango any time of the day.
I do enjoy mangos, but I also have to be in the mood for them, when I go into a store and I can smell them I think yum! I was brought up with mangos.
No. They make me physically sick. I accidentally had a piece or two in a store bought fruit salad in Queensland once and I was almost unable to drive back to Sydney the next day. I made it as far as Coffs Harbour but had to book into a motel as I couldn't manage to drive any further. Luckily I was able to get home the following day.
My husband also gets sick from Mangoes. He can't eat mushrooms, avocados , rockmelon or Honeydew melon either. Foods he loves that now make him feel sick. Are you affected by other foods?
by annfi
My husband also gets sick from Mangoes. He can't eat mushrooms, avocados , rockmelon or Honeydew melon either. Foods he loves that now make him feel sick. Are you affected by other foods?
by annfi
Watermelon and green peas are also on my list. There is also a type of bean I'm not allowed to eat because of the potential fatal effect it could have on me.
by helga
YES, we LOVE them, but not R2something2 ones.
At the moment we're eating Kensington Pride mangoes.
by Miro
I do. I don't love it but I like it.
Yes. I love Mango. My husband likes it too but cannot digest it- makes him feel unwell. Although he says he doesn't mind , I try not to have Mangoes in the house making him aware of what he's missing out on. If someone offers us excess Mangoes they are all for me!
Mango is my favourite fruit! Great to eat on it's own of made into dessert!
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