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Do you like macaroni cheese?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you like macaroni?

Do you like it with heaps of cheese melted on and in it?

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I have rarely made macaroni even though I love the ingredients!

I made one with chicken the other day and it was heavenly -with cheese over the top -check out my recipeyum page!

I make something else where I make my own noodles (spatzlea) - a German dish, and put layers of Jarlsberg in it and then cooked onions on the top, and this one is to die for!

I have a friend who comes to stay with me from the country regularly, and we always make this together and sit and eat and eat - quite disgusting as it is hard to stop eating this dish......
by Finy
It has been years since I had eaten macaroni and cheese. I like it with a lot of cheese.
by Vee
Do you like macaroni cheese? Is the Pope Catholic?!! I have even done a pressure cooker version. The more cheese the better! Mmmmmmm.
by Rice
love the relatable post!
by Finy
I love macaroni cheese, but I hardly ever have it. When I do, it's a low calorie ready meal.
It's okay, but I can count on one hand the number of times that I have had it. I don't like it if it is too cheesy.
Hate it!
It was the 1st Recipe I cooked in Grade VIII Home Science subject!
It was just foul!
Had great difficulty bringing it home on the tram.

I think my Mother, who was a fabulous Cordon Bleu cook, took one look at it, & consigned it to the rubbish bin!

Such was the start to my eventual excellent culinary life!
yep donjo my mother hated it too. She said it was just stodge and had no nutritional value about it. it was very popular in the 60s when I was wanting her to cook it but I must admit that then and now, I can eat a little of it, and I love it, but there endeth the meal, no room for anything else !
by fran.
Oh! fran, I've absolutely HATED macaroni ever since that day, & have NEVER eaten it since!

The ONLY pasta I like is Spaghetti. The dish I love it most with is good Ol' Spag. Bol., which I love cooking, to my late Mother's recipe, & it never fails to taste scrumptious!

When my daughter was about 15, she brought several school-friends' home, & I was told by her that I HAD to cook it!
It went down a treat, & from then on, I was known as 'THE best cook of Spag Bol' by them! Lol!
by donjo
Love Mac and cheese. The more cheeses the better!
no I do not like macaroni cheese. not even the smell of it. This was a lunch dish at boarding school, and one had to eat it, ( we had to stay at the table until finished) every mouthful of this concoction was revolting.

Yes.Yes.Yes! Yes!! YES!!!! Oh,and by the way,did I mention that YES! I do love this dish!!! Or rather,different variations on the theme!! As Finy says....It is delicious with chicken in it,and I always add fresh herbs from my garden! It is the crunchy golden brown cheesy topping which is what makes it so wonderful. I do NOT like the pre-packed stuff in the supermarket which just requires water or milk added to it.This, to me,is NOT real Macaroni Cheese. I only really enjoy home made variations into which much love and flavour has been added!!
No. Not at all fussed on this dish. It reminds me of children I know who have the packet version as a meal because the parents haven't time to cook a proper meal. Funny how things like that can turn one off a certain meal.
I have had it like 4-5 times in my life.
I tend to steer away from too much cheese.

What I did have was great, so yes I would have more, but only in a small small dish.
I love it in very small portions.
Yes I do but don't eat it often now. Used to make it a lot when my son was young because he loved it too.It was his favourite meal at gran's house. My mother made the best mac and cheese ever. she just used to throw ingredients in the mix and it came out tasting fabulous.
I used to. Now I can't eat cheese my husband makes a really nice vegan version for me (different, but very tasty).
I dont like it , I loveeeee them.
Yes to all 3 questions, but I can't make macaroni cheese anymore, due to our oven breaking down, some 3/4 years ago now! A new oven requires a revamped kitchen, which we can't have until we throw out a LOT of stuff, but I'm getting of the point, again!
by Miro
Just found this question again, & as it happened, tonight I found a recipe called 'Quick macaroni cheese'. It was rather bland, so the next time I make it, which will not be in the next 12 months, I'll add bacon, salt, onion. It's cooked on the stovetop.
by Miro
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