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Do you like lemon meringue pie?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you like lemon meringue pie?

#Lemon meringue
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I love lemon meringue pie -I love anything sweet made with lemons!
Lemon slice, lemon delicious etc etc
Just looking at the photo makes me want to eat some however this morning I have a blood test to see how my sugar levels are now after stopping eating cake once or twice a day!
by Finy
Once or twice a day !!
by Lluxi
I feel that if I was pre-diabetic, I would have to 'cheat' now and then with just small treats to keep me happy. But the secret is definitely being able to just enjoy that SMALL taste, and not be greedy!! Fortunately. I have a small appetite and never need to eat a lot of anything, even my favourite morsels!!!
Good luck with your Blood Tests, Finy!!
by Jules
Love lemon meringue pie. And I too love anything LEMON.
by fran.
Absolutely. One of my absolute favourite.. I don't like it too bitter tho.

Finy now I know what I want for afternoon tea!
Yes we love lemon meringue pie. My husband really enjoys it so i make it for him once in a while
by Vee
This is my favorite pie. Since I am being careful
with what I eat (due to health) I haven't had a slice in a very long time.

It has never really been on my radar. I have tried it I suppose but I don't remember. On the rare occasion I eat cake, I probably make a different choice.
Love it, but with a surprising sugar level on my last blood test, it is off the menu. Interestingly, the menu of Brisbane's oldest cafe, The Shingle Inn, had to include this pie due to the requests of American servicemen stationed here in World War Two.
me too grann! had another test yesterday - hope it is down...
by Finy
Yes, it's a favourite in our house too.
Oh, how sublimely delicious this treat is!!! I used to enjoy it while young all the time as my mother would make it often! This was in my days of ignorance regarding my dreadful egg allergy!! I have not been able to partake of this delicacy since I was 23, which was when we finally discovered one of the reasons I had been so very sick all of my young life! Fortunately I am able to enjoy other yummy items,but I do ask you all to enjoy your next slice of Lemon Meringue Pie with ME in your thoughts!!! I suppose that I can still dream though, and imagine myself enjoying a piece of this old favourite!!
I love lemon meringue pie it brings back great memory's of my mother who used to bake her own bread and cakes and Lemon Meringue was always my favourite. I remember being amazed at how she got the eggs to turn into peaks and she would hold the bowl over our heads to show us that it would not fall on us. Ahhhhhhhh Happy times. X
I've never tried it, but I would love to. :)
I don't mind lemon meringue pie, but I can't eat too much of it tho.
Yes, I used to love it. Can't home make it as my oven doesn't work, which is sometimes just as well, as I've found it to sweet as I've got older. I was always hopeless making anything with pastry anyway!
by Miro
I'm not so keen on the meringue part, but I like the lemony bit. Should try and make some really, I grow a lot of citrus.
Love it!
If I'm at a coffee shop/cafe, & they have it, I always order it, & thoroughly enjoy, as it's a bit of a treat!
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