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Do you like lemon meringue pie or lime tart?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you like lemon meringue pie and/or lime tart?

Which do you prefer?

#Lemon meringue
#Lime tart
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I love both and very hard to decide which one would be my favourite.

It depends on where I have it as sometimes the lemon meringue pies are just too sweet, whereas the lime pies do not seem so sweet and are lovely with cream.

So, cannot really decide but could eat either at any time.
by Finy
I love both and as a kid,would often help my mum make these yummy treats. However, I discovered I am allergic to eggs and I have not had these since I was 23!! Little wonder I was so ill all of my life....we lived on eggs!!! I DO miss them immensely,but it is a matter of me liking them ,but them not liking ME!!!
Our 3 year old granddaughter is allergic to eggs also, but my daughter was told she'd outgrow it by the time she was 5, so we'll just have to wait & see!
by Miro
I think my problem was that in those days this allergy was unknown so I just kept on loving and eating eggs, with everyone telling us how good they were for us!!! So I had a total overload!!! Nowadays so much more is known about allergies, and I do feel that being diagnosed so young, there is a very good hope that your daughter shall indeed outgrow her allergy. Oh! I do hope so, with so many wonderful dishes requiring eggs as an ingredient!! Good luck to all of you!
by Jules
I like prefer key lime pie.
by Gia
I prefer lemon meringue pie as it is something I don't make at home.
I can't have gluten so sadly I can't have either of these anymore...However I LOVE any sort of citrus tart / cake type thing. Especially with cream and / or ice cream!
I haven't tried lime tart but I absolutely love lemon meringue pie. Hmmm - lime pie tasting added to bucket list.
gayle -it must be tried at least once!
by Finy
Oooh both are delicious but lemon meringue pie would win for me, as it has meringue..... I'm a total sucker for meringue :)
I like both but I think I would choose the lemon meringue
by AJ
Mhmm, lemon meringue pie, I feel like I need not say more. :)
I prefer lemon meringue pie
yea it one of my favourite
Lemon Meringue!
Find lime too bitter.
I LOVE Lemon Meringue Pie.
In fact! there are some with HUGE Tops on them, that just drive me crazy to look at them! :)


Lime is quite 'tart' for me.

Hey! a 'tart'...tart! :)
Lemon Meringue pie.(for me is the winner).
My wife saves egg whites in the freezer and when she has sufficient will make a lemon meringue pie.
The combination of sweet meringue topping on the slightly tart lemon (flavour adjusted by adding sugar until the lemon is just tart) makes for a great combination.
I think lemon is just the right flavour and beats lime anyday.
One tried I am certain people will agree.
The pastry has to be a high quality as it plays a distinct part of the combination.

Farley (Lemon Meringue Pie addict)
i love anything with pastry however have not found a cafe bought lemon meringue pie to equal my mum's. They are usually too sweet and I don't like the consistency of the lemon filling which seem to be thickened with cornflour.
I like both and the tartier the better the taste.
Yes I love Lemon meringue pie, my wife doesn't like it but she it for me and I have to say she makes the best Lemon meringue pie in Queensland.
It is fantastic.

I like Key Lime Pie, lemon meringue is way to sweet and tart for me
Lime tart has a little extra "zing" so good!

Lemon Meringue pie. Yum!
Lemon meringue pie is now also far to sweet for me. I did discover a Key Lime Pie, (or was it a Tart?) in Aldi's recently, in the dessert/freezer section, & that's very nice. I can't cook pies myself, as our oven doesn't work.
by Miro
Can't I have both? :)
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