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Do you like ice in your drink?

by Dilara (follow)
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When you order a drink do you prefer it with ice or without?

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My teeth are not happy, when the Ice hits!
With, but only in the warmer months.
If I am drinking in a restaurant or bar, always without ice, as I used to live in Singapore and traveling round the area ice water was widely thought to be dirty and unsafe to drink.... I'm in Europe now, have been for a long time, but can't shake the ick factor for ice!
At home, if it's really really hot then I put ice in my drinks. Mostly I keep ice in the freezer for my husband's occasional G&T.
In summer I definitely do but not when the weather is cool. Still unsure about my Baileys - like the way.the ice makes it nice and cold but don't like the way the ice dilutes the Baileys!
Ice ice baby. Always.
by Vee
Yes, I like ice in my drinks and when I have iced cocoa, I always put ice in.

I do not like too much which you sometimes get at cafes but I like to chew ice.
by Finy
Homemade ice is good! But not when it dilutes your drinks! I wouldn't like ice in my beverage if I'm at a restaurant. You never know what water they use to make the ice. On the otherhand, if you have cola flavoured ice or coffee flavoured ice to put into your coke or iced coffee,that is to die for! It will keep your drink cold without diluting i! Win Win!
I'm not really fussed and we were always told when kids not to order drinks with ice as it means you get less juice!!! My daughter however has a real thing about needing ice in her drinks.
No ice, it dilutes the drink! Too cold for my teeth too. Always have to remember to ask for no ice when out….they then have to fill the glass with more of the same… yay!
Without. (and jonaj stole my answer . . .such a lot of it about. Bahaha!)
by Rice
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