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Do you like honey dew?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you like and eat honey dew?

#Summer fruit
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I haven't bought this in about 4 or 5 years, so I guess the answer must therefore be no!
I think it does not have as much taste as rock melon and I tend to just pass it on the shelves - in fact I remember it as having very little taste at all....perhaps good for people who do not like the quite strong taste of rock melon, which I love.
by Finy
No. I would rather have rockmelon than honeydew.
I find them a little bland.
Most melons in fact.
Rockmelon, watermelon, never honeydew, it doesn't seem to have a flavour.
by Rice
I like it very much, it has a gentle taste, wonderful on very hot days...when I am looking for something not so sweet. :)
Rockmelon is my favourite melon, followed closely by watermelon. I don't dislike honeydew but prefer other types of melon.
Honeydew don't have much flavour. I think they are used for colour in fruit salad. I have never bought one.
Yes, I also find honeydew slightly on the boring side! I do like rockmelon, (although my eldest daughter can't stand rockmelon, but I have never found out why. I do like watermelon, but the 1 my youngest daughter bought for Christmas, didn't have much taste. I think the ones that used to have the big black pips in them were very tasty.
by Miro
I like honeydew melon but have found it very difficult to find a sweet one, and one that's not hard. I think the growers have bred the taste out of them. I've a nice, sweet rockmelon waiting for me in the fridge.
no I do not like honeydew melon maybe because it is never ripe when I have had it on a fruit platter when out.
I do like rockmelon it also is never ripe when on a fruit platter.
as for waternelon never buy it nowadays as tastless what ever happened to the water melons that had the black seeds they were the best, good strong color , juicy and sweet tasting.
I enjoy honeydew melon but rarely have it as my husband cannot digest either honeydew or rockmelon. Unfortunately there are several foods he loves that make him feel unwell. Mushrooms , mangoes and avocado are at the top of the list.
If any of these make their way to our house, I have to eat them all by myself. :-)
I shall probably buy some honeydew when I next shop. Yum.
Yes but only when its super sweet
by AJ
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