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Do you like helicopter rides?

by Radhika (follow)
Radhika Ram
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Do you enjoy helicopter rides? Have you ever travelled in a helicopter?

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I was in a helicopter when I was in University. LOVED it...was part of our training program where we jumped out of it. And I was given a "test flight" for my birthday. Yeah...I could do that again!
Yes I have. Very scary stuff.
I went on a helicopter once over the north coast of Ireland while the north west 200 motorbike race was on brilliant experience an the sun was shining for a change :)
I've never been in a helicopter before... I'd be interested in going in a helicopter if it meant I got to fly over somewhere interesting.
Never been on one, but I know I wouldn't like it because I don't like flying. I'm scared they're going to fail and I'll plummet thousands of feet to my death.
There're slower ways to meet your Maker........
by donjo
That doesn't mean this way is any less pleasant.
I've never been in a helicopter, but it is on my list of things to do.
No I haven't.
No I don't want too.
They are the one thing I refuse to get in!

Ah! jonaj, at least they've got an ENGINE, unlike HAB's......now THEY're scary bananas!
by donjo
With my luck it would go down real fast!!....lol
by jonaja
Haven't been in one, yet would love to give it a go :)
I've been in a light aircraft, but not a helicopter ride yet. It is definitely on my to-do list!
Never tried it, mostly b/c of the cost factor. Would love to give it a go and I don't think I would be scared.
A helicopter joy ride is soooo exciting. The feeling of being inside a machine that lifts off the ground and goes strait up...instead of running forwards is an amazing sensation as is the feeling of a machine that swivels about while remaining in the same aerial position. The elevation level allows for excellent viability to the ground so that a minute seems like 10 minutes at least. A helicopter is sheer engineering genius. I've fallen in love with them. Mary
Hi Mary.....seems like your 'auto correct' had a good time with your comment! Lol!

........'straight' .......'visibility'... ......
by donjo
I've never been on a helicopter ride.
I've never travelled in a helicopter.
When in Military, travelled by 'Chinook'. I love flying, so this was fantastic! Loadmaster let us 'peek over' ramp!

When at 'El Questro', flew in ''open' helicopter up Chamberlain Gorge! I was strapped-in very well, but had to 'hang out', holding onto L roof-rim to get my photos!

When going to stables there, for horse riding, heli was going there at same time, pilot said 'hop in, I'll take you', so it's the first time in my 'horsey' life I've arrived by heli! Felt rather 'Royal' doing that! Could get used to it, very easily!
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