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Do you like hard rubbish collection?

by Shelley Murphy (follow)
Shelley Murphy Counsellor & Psychotherapist Masters of Counselling & Psychotherapy UofA Member of the ACA College of Supervisors Level 3 Member Australian Counselling Association Email: [email protected] Web: AdelaideAnxietyTherapy.com https:/ www.facebook.com/ShelleyMurphyCounselling/ @GrowinEsteem
Behaviour (31)      Recycling (12)      Rubbish collection (3)      Council (3)      Trash (1)      Local Government (1)     

Do you enjoy the annual hard rubbish collection provided by some councils?
Does it annoy you when people take the rubbish rather than the council?

#Rubbish collection
#Local Government
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I like to get rid of junk so find it a convenient way to do so. It doesn't really annoy me if others take it, because at least the rubbish will be recycled instead of ending up in landfill. If I had it my way, there would be annual "stuff swaps" so that people could do just that, pass on any unwanted items that are in reasonable condition to other people in the area, then anything left over could be thrown out.

Our council does a hard rubbish collection on request. I love it. I don't mind when people take the rubbish, at least it will be reused. It was somewhat exciting watching our collection diminish as people saw it, stopped and picked something up.
by Vee
Yeah, it's fun. I like the way most of the stuff is gone before the actual collection happens. It's nice that it's being reused. I've picked up the odd bit of furniture that way, also a fair bit of stuff for the kids: a stroller and high chair (still safe to use, I checked) seesaw and one of those little cars they can sit in and propel with their feet.
I love this time of year, a chance to clear out the house.
Exciting to see people stop and browse, it's always a good feeling to see them happy with their find and knowing that my stuff has found a good home and will be reused.
I have had a stop and look on many occasions, found an almost new leather recliner ... had an ideal spot for it.

by Zen
I think hard rubbish collection is excellent. When you don't have a trailer for taking big items to the dump it is so useful. I would much rather someone else took what I no longer need than have it end up as landfill. Unfortunately we don't have hard rubbish collection here. Before my last move I left things in my front yard by the gate with big 'Please take' signs on them. I was so happy when people took things.
There is no way....it annoy's me when people take the rubbish.
I have found a money box with $30 of silver in the rubbish! better in my pocket.
I have found a brand new Ikea chair worth I think $75 in the rubbish.
A brand new rug! - toys - you name it.
All that stuff doesn't belong in Land Fill....It belongs in my house, and I can
use it.
Necessary in the tropics for public safety
I wouldn't pick up something from any kind of trash, good or bad
We've picked up some great kids bikes, scooters, a slippery dip and outdoor chairs from the hard rubbish collections. One year our neighbour was throwing out a perfectly fine heater, because she now has air con. So I asked if it was working ok and she said yep and was happy for me to have it. It was a win win situation, which would never have happened otherwise. It's kind of like a garage sale without money or freecycle.
by Lucy
I like hard rubbish collection for two reasons.

Firstly, I can get rid of all of my old stuff that can't be eBayed (for whatever reason). And secondly, because I can hunt around - usually at dawn or dusk - looking for some great recycled things. There's nothing worse than a perfectly good thing getting sent to rubbish when someone else can use it!
I agree with a lot of the comments, most of it does not belong in land fill. Better that some else can use it as you don't want it anymore, Recycle and reuse, excellent all round.
I'm fortunate to live in an area where it and the next council area as well, have a HR collection. I belong to a Melbourne based Facebook group and at the moment everyone's putting up photos showing off their finds.
I found a small bookshelf this week, and other items include a picnic basket, handbag, various crockery, and a portable peg-hanging thing for small laundry items. I try to sell some items and give others away.
YES its wonderful
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