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Do you like gold jewellery?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you like gold jewellery?

Do you have any, and what pieces do you have, or do you prefer other jewellery?

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Top Answers
The first time I saw Mr T.... gold went out the window for me!
He did absolutely nothing for the stuff.

I have a necklace in 24ct, that's it.
In my job I am not allowed to wear any kind of jewellery.

I love Pearls, and have a lot of Fresh Water..
I really do, white gold is my favourite but the really odd thing is that I rarely wear jewellery of any kind.
I prefer gold jewellery, although the only yellow gold pieces are my wedding, engagement and sapphire rings. I don't really wear jewellery.
by Vee
I like gold, but I actually prefer the look of silver. That's why white gold is my favourite type, followed by rose, then the tradition yellow. I don't wear jewellery much these days but from the time when I did, I have several necklaces, bracelets and rings by Uri Geller. I also have old gold - the matte faded look - from my grandmother's jewellery collection.
I actually prefer platinum. Gold is nice but doesn't seem to go with my skin tone or my partner's.
Isn't it like super expensive?
by jonaja
I love gold jewellery and most of mine is made of yellow gold.
I had about 6 gold bracelets and had 4 melted down and had one designed and it is fabulous.

My uncle in Europe many years ago was a jeweller and eventually I inherited his wife's jewellery which included gold and a beautiful large, excellent quality diamond which I put with my engagements diamonds and had one spectacular ring made set in yellow gold.

Most of my gold seems to be inherited.
by Finy
Bugger - wrote long note and then it disappeared! ho hum.
Well I like both gold and silver and my 'artistic' nature lends me to know which to wear with what eg I like silver with blue and think silver looks stunning with black, but I do wear both with black on occasions. 'Understated' is my mantra....I think too much jewellery on someone either looks 'tacky' or makes me think they are a bit insecure and have to try and impress by overdoing it. Just my 'very perceptive' opinion...!.
by Fran
I like gold jewelry and I enjoy wearing it on special occasions.
I like white gold
I like gold much better with my skin tone than most silvers.
I have a few nice silver pieces that i wear occasionally,
but don't wear jewellery often.
The only gold I have is white gold.
I find that it tarnishes very quickly
by AJ
Yes I like gold jewelry
Love gold jewellery, it is timeless and never loses its value. It has a warm and precious look. I have 10 rings a necklace and a braclet that I wear all the time, plus others to choose from for a special occasion. My jewellery ranges from 9-14ct and not all are solid gold so values vary.

My Wedding Ring is gold. So too, associated rings with it.
Like gold necklaces & bracelets. Not 'actual' gold, but gold coloured.
Am definitely not a 'silver' coloured person.
Not really - silver is more my choice of metal.
No. It looks tacky and cheap on some people, but on others it really suits them. I know I would never wear it. I wear white gold, as it suits me better and it is worth more than yellow gold.
Yes I like to buy my wife jewellery.
I like unusual items, like insects, or other rare pieces, like a Fly that has aquamarine thorax, dragonfly with onyx and emerald eyes etc.
Yes I do
Yes as long as it doesn't look cheap (style).
I like to buy special pieces such as insect designs.
Yes, I love gold. I have about 10 gold rings, I very thin gold necklace, & 3 gold bracelets. The bracelets stay on my left arm, 24/7 unless I'm going through the airport, then t have to remove 2 of them. Our 2 daughters have only ever liked silver, but they hardly wear any. They'll have to sell my gold when I die! I hope they remember to have my gold rings sawn off my fingers, before they cremate me.
by Miro
I was taught you wear yellow gold with olive skin and white gold or silver with fair skin. I've so much jewellery I can't even remember what I have in my jewellery boxes. I've told my girls we will sit down one day and I will bring everything out that I have and they can choose what they want, some they can take with them, others will be written down as to who gets what on my death. I've already earmarked jewellery for granddaughters and great granddaughters so they inherit on their 16th birthdays.
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