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Do you like going to the zoo?

by Radhika (follow)
Radhika Ram
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Are you an animal lover? Do you like to go to Zoo?

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I'm not sure how I feel about zoos. In general I think it's cruel to keep animals in cages, but some zoos are better than others and they are mostly not as bad as the zoos of yesteryear. Places like the Western Plains Zoo which is more like a safari park with the animals free to roam larger areas are better. I suppose there's also an argument to be made that it is educational future generations may not care for animals if they have never seen them. But maybe trips out to national parks to look at wild animals would do that job better.

It's hard to justify keeping animals imprisoned purely for human entertainment. I guess it's better if the purpose of the zoo is conservation, like if they are caring for rescued injured animals or breeding endangered species with an intent to release them back into the wild. But sometimes attempts at conservation are misguided, like attempts to "preserve" white tigers. White tigers are not a species and cannot survive in the wild. They are produced through inbreeding, which often results in cubs that have to be destroyed.
All this stuff is on my mind so I don't really like going to zoos.
I love animals. My son and my husband are also animal lover. Recently we have been to Werribe Zoo and it was realy nice.
Quite fun. Looking forward to twilight in Taronga at the end of March - a Christmas present. I also liked visiting the country's oldest zoo: Melbourne Zoo.
Good place to visit especially with your kids. Get to see the real animals.
Yes but we don't have time to do it these days.
Yes but we don't have time to do it these days.
Love the animals big time.
Going to any Zoo, and talking the family and the little ones.Great place to see first hand and the questions from my grandchildren are very sweet.
Sometimes they hide at the back of me....you can have so much fun.
We will go back maybe this year, and once again lots of questions will come my way. :)
We love going to the zoo. we've been going to zoos since I was a kid. I think I have been to zoos in every country I've visited. and sometimes, the same zoo many times. I always learn something new on a trip to the zoo.
We love going to the zoo. we've been going to zoos since I was a kid. I think I have been to zoos in every country I've visited. and sometimes, the same zoo many times. I always learn something new on a trip to the zoo.
Yes, it's a lot of fun to go out for the day and visit the zoo. It's great for the kids to get to see the animals that they learn about.
In general I am not in favour of Zoo's I do not like to see animals caged.

My mind was changed when I visited Australia Zoo they do things so well and you can see the animal have lots of space.
Love going to the zoo. As long as the animals are well looked after and want for nothing except more space than i don't see a problem. I do have a problem with people keeping wild animals as pets. We are members of Melbourne zoo's . Werribee , the animals roam about with no cages, your in a bus. The zoo's are all improving a lot these days and doing a wonderful job taking care of all the animals needs. If they are born in a zoo , they know no difference. The animals are looked after better than half the pets out there . so yes i do enjoy going :)
I LOVE animals! I HATE zoos!!! Its only because of greed of humans that animals have to be caged!! Think about it - if it was not for man - no animals would need to be caged in zoos!!
Perth zoo is great to walk around, it's very tropical and shady. All the animals have nice enclosures and look happy enough. They have a lovely cafe, a little train, and have movie nights and occasionally bands playing at night. There's always something to do and it's a wonderful place to visit esp for the kids. I have no problem with keeping animals in comfort and for preservation of the species.
I love animals and thus hate the zoo. I used to love zoos until I really looked at the animals and assessed their everyday lives. I think it is cruel to catch animals and put them on display for our own enjoyment. Nothing wants to spend it's life in a cage and there is no justification to do so. If you love animals you would not love to see the cooped up and would not financially support and encourage this practice. Thankfully in Australia we are fairly kind to animals but in other countries this is not the case. Drugged up, abused and "trained" for entertainment. Makes me angry.

I love going to the zoo, although I rarely get to go. I enjoy seeing all of the different animals and exhibits.
Yes! I love visiting zoos.
would love to go the zoo but the expense of parking entry etc is just too much. have not been for years.
I love animals, but I don’t like seeing them in Zoos esp. standing around on cement, looking extremely bored! Melbourne has a much better Zoo than Sydney has. In about 1977 we visited the tiny Honolulu Zoo, which we looked around
just 1/ 2 an hour. In 1989, visited the lovely San Diego Zoo. But I’d rather see the animals on safari in Zimbabwe, as we have done twice.
Yes, I love going to the zoo. I am an animal lover and i want to see and play with the animals in the zoo. I could also visit this zoo on wekednds with my family and friends. By visiting the zoo, i can also take my mind off my studies for the time being. I can also learn more about the animals in there.
I like to go where ever there are animals, even Victor harbour to see the penguins. The only thing That I don't like about zoos is keeping the giraffes in enclosures, I feel they should be left to roam, same as elephants, lions and tigers.

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