I don't have any but I think they are cute. I like the one who is fishing. They have to have sweet faces though . . . . wouldn't want any mean ones.
That's funny, Rice, you've answered the 'computers 4 kids' answer on my gnome answer! Our grand-daughters family hasn't owned a tv since...before she was born!
Sorry Rice, I always try & make sure I have a reply to the question, just in case someone feels to need to reply to my answers! i must have forgotten this/that time.
Thank you Rice. She also never had those dingle/dangling toys in her pram, & she wasn't allowed to wear anything...PINK until she was 7! Our daughter had lots of lovely vintage/retro cloths for her!
I love gnomes. I don't have any and don't want any, but I think they look cute in other peoples yards.
I always love hearing the stories of people stealing gnomes and taking them travelling with them - sending pictures back to the owners.
The only reason I would want a gnome of my own is so someone could steal it and take it on holidays.
I remember people doing that a few years back lol
How exciting! I don't remember this happening.
Read this Vee! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Travelling_gnome
I was inspired by the gnomenapping stories when a friend left an advertising A frame sign outside his shop overnight. We initially picked it up so vandals wouldn't damage it, but once it was in the car I had the idea. I checked with an employee we knew and let her know my plans, and confirmed that was our friend , the shop owner , who had forgotten to bring the A frame in. We didn't want her to get in trouble for the signs absence. Over a weekend we photographed the A frame in lots of different tourist spots starting at the bus depot. My son fitted under it and his arms showed. Maybe holding a suitcase or holding hands with his mate under a second A frame, even lying on a towel on the beach. The A frame had a chalkboard side and we could write messages- "See ya. I'm off." for example. We posted, by snail mail, a photo a day to our friend with nothing else in the envelope. He was so intrigued the local paper got involved. When we went into his shop he always had a different theory about who was responsible and didn't find out it was us for a few years.
The sign was replaced after a week with the message " I'm home!" The newspaper were back to photograph it and report on it. Our friend got some positive publicity and our joke worked better than I hoped.
This is exactly the kind of thing I'm talking about :)
I love these stories
It depends on what they are doing. Little gnomes resting on their spades are okay... but rude little gnomes pulling their pants down to "moon" poor folk need to go back to "gnome etiquette" classes!
What!!!! Oh . . . . g r o s s !! I would paint it's bum black!
I dislike the rude gnomes. I have seen another doing the rude finger sign. Although I dislike rude gnomes I think a naked gnome would be funny.
I don't go for gnomes. I like a more natural looking environment and they just don't fit.
My sister and her husband had an old gnome that was unpainted and had become beautifully mossy with age. It resembled an ancient stone in the shape of a gnome. When someone looked after their garden while they were away they thought they were being helpful and kind. When my Sister and BIL arrived home their helper proudly announced they had cleaned up the gnome. He looked like clean concrete and it was all my sister could do to look grateful, when she felt horrified and wanted to burst into tears.
Jeez, people are stupid. I would never have been able to hide my horror and upset; I may even have cried. Your poor sister. It's not like she would have ever dreamed she might have to say, "Don't de-moss the gnome!" . . . Imagine getting somebody to dog sit and coming home to find your prized show poodle shaved bald. Somebody who shall remain nameless pulled out "that huge patch of weeds" in the back yard. . . . . I was off the Richter scale . . . ALL MY MINT!
Oh no. Both situations are tragic.
I came home to a clean empty fish tank once. It had had about 30 fish when I left. My well meaning friend cleaned the tank and all the fish died.
I couldn't be angry because she felt so bad.
Ohhhhhhh. Those poor fish :(((((((((((((
We have 5 or 6 very old 2nd ones though I can't remember where they came from, although I know the last 1 came from my b/i/l's house after he passed away 7 months ago. 1 is now green colour & has 1/2 fallen to bits, but I still can't throw it out. There on the back walkway to the cloths line, so we're the only people who see them! My f/i/l has always hated them, & when he left his last job, (years ago now) the firm gave him a gnome!!! He was not a happy retiree!!! I can't remember what he did with it.
Hi miro_ :-) Just read the computer answer. Bravo. Sounds like your grandaughter is like my daughter when she was at that age . . . and she has now been teaching for over twenty years. Great upbringing for your grandaughter - lovely diversity there. :-) I see my stepdaughter's children being ruined by tv, dvds, not reading, not doing any extracurricular activities and always being yelled at. Great life :((
I had to. LOL. When I looked you had no answer on that page for me to reply to . . .so I did the next best thing. Heeheeheehee.
I'm sure you are under no obligation, miro_, I just thought I was going blind :-)))) I was so excited to read about a child with a lovely sensible upbringing.
How funny. I have just realised that my daughter didn't have the dingly dangly things either. . . . I would not have remembered until reading your reply. She was an early reader and a really voracious reader, at that. Maybe your grand-daughter will be a teacher too.