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Do you like getting free food?

by kirk3 (follow)
K. Watkis
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Source from morguefile.com

Do you like getting free food? Would you attend a meeting, conference, concert, promotions, wedding, a social or business date, or other event just for finger foods of free lunches?

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Who doesn't like free food! I wouldn't attend a function simply for free food, unless the function was a taste-testing type thing, but I'm always please when food is provided at a function I am attending.
I like getting free food as long as it is quality food.
I would not like to get, say a hot dog, for free as I would not eat it.

However, I would not go somewhere, to a function, for hours, just to get free food.

Would rather pay for the food and not have to go to a large gathering.
by Finy
As soon as I read the question I said "Who doesn't like free food?!" Which is exactly what Damien has already said. Thank you Damien.
by Vee
No worries :)
Sure, free food is a good thing. I love it when the company sends me on a seminar where lunch is provided. The firm that runs seminars for our payroll system put on a lovely spread of sandwiches for lunch and the morning and afternoon tea cakes and bikkies are devine.
I do love free food, but I would have to be interested in the topic to attend, so I guess I don't love it THAT much!
As long as it is good foo why not.
by Gia
Naaa not really.
Generally nothing is for free
For events, the food may be ok but still need to listen and have conversations
Yes, but wouldn't go out of my way to do so.
I love freee food. I remember when Chris went out in the lunch hour and came back refreshed with a free fresh lunch
Yes...I would if one was offered.
I recently joined my neighbourhood shop and buy many reduced items that come in. The bread is free and sometimes get free veg. other veg is greatly reduced. It does mean I stock pile. Recently bought bottles of olive oil for $2 a bottle.
I love free food but wouldn't go out of my way for it. The one annoying thing about not getting a free feed is when you are called up for jury duty and you are dismissed just before the lunch hour. I think this is wrong. You give your time and spend hours there and not so much as a sandwich.
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