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Do you like gardening?

by sriv. (follow)
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Flowers in Garden

Do you like gardening?

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No. I have some plants in the yard which I tend to only occasionally as needed.
Oh dear. The G word. I think plants wish they had legs so they could run when they see me coming. I'm not very good in the garden. I don't loathe gardening but I would like it better if I was better at it.
by Rice
I have no interest in gardening.
I have interest in gardening. Everyday I am eager to know which flower or leaf came out. Just now I sweeped my garden. When vegetables grow in my garden I am delighted.
LOVE Gardening : )

Not able to do really any now, but I have had a great time over the last 45 years.
Left me mark in the houses we have had here in Sydney....lol And, my trees are still their!
by sriv.
; )
by jonaja
I adore gardening and seeing something grow and develop from the care I take gives me much pleasure. All it takes is a bit of watering, pruning and fertilising and you too can have a productive, beautiful garden. Its the gift of life that keeps on giving. Seeing some colour in the garden brightens my day.
Bought ALL native trees', when establishing 'garden' at new home, that way, had nothing to 'upkeep'.

I enjoyed hosing it very much though.
My beautiful Corgi would sit beside me, getting pats & 'smoochies' all the while, which she loved!
Now, THAT'S the way to do it!! LOL
by Rice
Yes I do. But unfortunately in Melbourne city apartments, it gets so windy, that my pots get knocked over. It is very disappointing
I love gardening when we have adequate rain to keep things looking good. I have a large garden , but during drought it is depressing. I look at the garden as an extension of the house with rooms with different functions.
I do love gardening but due to an accident I had some years ago I cannot do much gardening.
by Finy
I love it but I'm not very good at it. Plants really struggle to survive under my care. 🌱🌿🌹💀💀💀
I don't mind it, but I just don't get the time, I used to enjoy planting different flowers, but I don't do that any more, although the lsast flowers aI did plant were irises I love the different varieties.
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