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Do you like fondant cakes?

by sns (follow)
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Do you like fondant cakes?

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I really could care less what type of icing is on a cake as long as it taste good. I've had some good looking cakes that taste awful.
I will eat the cake and leave the fondant.. far too sickly sweet for me.
same here!
Me too.
by annfi
Fondant cakes can look great but I'd rather a butter cream one to eat
Yes I do enjoy fondant on cake,I have a bit of a sweet tooth unfortunately.
I really could care less what type of icing is on a cake as long as it taste good. I've had some good looking cakes that taste awful.
Not over keen to be really honest, very old school.
But some are amazing to look at, that much I like.
That's an amazing cake, in your photo, Jonaj, if 1 liked purple! Personally, I'd rather have it with green & pink icing! We are in Macau for 5 hours with our 2 daughters, in the early '90's, & I made my husband hire a pale pink & pale green mini-moke, because it was my birthday!
by Miro
by jonaja
Not really. They can look really gorgeous but fondant doesn't taste as nice as other types of icing. I am kind of in awe of the things some people can do with fondant though.
They look lovely, but give me plain old butter icing any day, or chocolate ganache, YUM !!!
Now your talking!
by annfi
I will eat the cake and leave the fondant.. far too sickly sweet for me.
I think the art that can be created with fondant is amazing, but I don't like to eat it. Far too sickly.
Its' not my first choice, but I'll eat it.
by Vee
I used to like fondant cakes, but as everyone else has remarked, "It's too sickly tasting for me now"
by Miro
Love to see some of the magic people create using fondant. However, when I was very young, I ate a packet of fondant, I had found in a kitchen cupboard. I thought it was called almond icing but anyways…the result was a bucket a towel and me in bed removing that fondant from my system. Have never touched it again.
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ID: 56238
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