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Do you like fancy dress?

by Bryony Harrison (follow)
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fancy dress, jester
Source Morguefile

Whether it is for a party, for charity, or some other occasion, do you like wearing fancy dress or feel too self conscious? Maybe you think it is silly and something just for kids?

#Fancy Dress
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I have got dressed up in Star Trek costumes twice before. Once for a competition (I won a toaster and a fleece)m and once for setting a world record for being the most people in Star Trek costume in one place. I did the same thing in a Star Wars outfit once too.

I have not dressed in fancy dress for some times, however do not like it as I cannot sew and have no imagination for this type of thing.
I collect Salt & pepper shakers and went to a Convention in U.S. and part of it was to dress as your favourite salt and pepper shaker -the costumes were unbelievable!
by Finy
That's got to be one of the strangest fancy dress events I've heard of!
LOL Bryony -the event was fairly spectacular!
by Finy
I would get dressed up for a ball.
Other than that maybe not, but I can for sure see the fun in it.
Life is way too short, not to have some fancy dress days!

I think we should all get dressed up on May 4th! in a Star Trek theam, (every May 4th!) lol......just to make life interesting.I would be in for that. :)
I do! I love cosplay, so fancy dresses are right up my alley! :)

There are different themes per costume, so it puts you in a lively mood no matter what when you add a bit of zing to your daily clothing range.
Yes, but I do have a condition, and that condition is that I don't have to make it.
Oh yes.But not to the extent of dressing up kids in a way that isn't responsible.For example, I recently saw a kid dressed like having apunch on the face and holding a banner that said 'Fought with wife'.Its all a little funny but sends a wrong message to the kids.
I love it, especially masquerade balls where you get to wear a mask and go in charachter. I just see fancy dress as a bit of fun and a chance to look different.

Love it. Too bad there aren't many occasions on which you can get dressed up in fancy dress.
by Vee
I often dress up in Historical costume due to belonging to an historical dance group. And I dress up at school for Book week.
Yes I love to dress up, sadly money is an issue and I don't have a sewing machine otherwise I think I would find myself dressing up for everything!
Fancy dress is something in which I don't indulge.

IF I were in Venice, at the right time, I'd go the 'whole hog', but that isn't going to happen, unfortunately!
YES! That would be amazzzing, I'm with you on that one! :)
by jonaja
Not particularly, I was in uniform for far too many years.
Keep fancy dress for kids.
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