Oh yes. My eldest son is called Daniel, so what do you think? Hubby and I went to a concert called the ' Piano Men' which was Elton John and Billy Joel together. It was fantastic. I'm not sure how much his concerts are these days. I do know that many acts price themselves out of the market. They ask so much for concert tickets that the average wage earner can't afford to go. Greedy.
Lluxi - Adelle in Perth last night had record crowds -something like 65,000 and most expensive tickets were $800! I know I paid $250 to see Leonard Cohen a year or so ago and would gladly pay that to see someone I REALLY liked and so must a lot of people or the concerts would not be on.
Just my 2 cents worth! Sure, a lot of people cannot afford to go but if 65,000 can go to one concert, that's a lot of people for a small place like Perth.
Well, Finy, I know what you are saying. I don't know how much Elton charges, but I know some acts we have wanted to see in the past couple of years but simply couldn't afford it. Some of the amount were the equivalent of one house payment for us. When you have a mortgage, bills and food to pay for, it can be too much. We have a monthly budget and we have to stick to it. I love going to concerts and we do once or twice a year, but when the tickets are above a certain price, WE cant afford it. We are not going into debt for anyone. Adeles concert may have been a more affordable ticket price.
Whatever you pay to see a performer, you have to double it for me. I am married, so we both go together. That would be $500 for us to see Leonard Cohen plus dinner, so at least $600 for one night out. That would put us in debt.
Yes I've always enjoyed Elton John's songs, I thought the song that he sang for Princess Diana's funeral was beautiful and touching.
Yes, me too, Diana. The song he sang at Princess Diana's funeral nearly made me cry. I thought it was really beautiful.
I was in Art School in the mid 70's when his early albums were released and we all LOVED his songs, as well of course as the stunning artwork on the covers for the vinyl records in those years! Back then, we somehow felt that we were hearing the beginning of something very special indeed, and we were correct.He has gone on to write SO many truly special and memorable lyrics.I still enjoy his wonderful songwriting ability immensely, though I have never attended a concert due to the cost of tickets being far beyond what I have ever been able to afford! When other artists perform his songs, they still are just as lovely to listen to, as they add their own little bit of magic to them. This is a sign of an excellent writing talent to me, When a song can touch us, no matter who is singing it, it can then become a classic. So many of Elton John's touching songs have become such: just consider the the tracks from The Lion King!!
Oh, I can feel the love tonight!!