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Do you like either Meatloaf?

by Finy (follow)
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do,you,like, meatloaf
Photo: www.news.com.au

Do you like Meatloaf, either one?

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I used to love the singer Meatloaf and even went to one of his concerts. I think his songs are great as is his voice, though do not like the looks of him for some reason. I still have his CD's though don't often listen to them anymore.

As the the meat meatloaf, I rarely eat meat so have not had this meatloaf for a long time!
by Finy
Love them both. However, I do think the Big Meat should retire for his health. I don't look forward to the next time he collapses on stage being his last . . . . although he would probably like to die "with his boots on". As for the other . . .a friend gave me a lovely recipe about 25 years ago and I have used it ever since. Hmmm . . maybe tonight . .
by Rice
glad I was able to be of use in your dinner tonight, Rice! Yea, agreed re the entertainer and collapsing -not the first time
by Finy
I used to like Meatloaf the singer, and I have his Bat Out Of Hell album. However, I do think he is past it now. When he sang at the AFL grand final he was absolutely dreadful and there was Boo ing from the crowd. Money NOT well spent. As for meatloaf the food, I just love it. I have a wonderful recipe for potato covered meatloaf. It is a favourite in our family. The sauce is beautiful and rich poured over the top, as a gravy.
I love the music by the singer, Meatloaf; my favourite song of his is Paradise by the Dashboard Light. As for the meat I have never had it; I don't even know what meat it is, how it's made, or if it is even sold in the UK because I have never seen it. Is it meant to be like spam?
I use mince, onion, egg beaten, breadcrumbs,Worcestershire sauce, herbs,and grate carrot and zucchini into it. Press it into a loaf tin firmly so it gives it that loaf look. Hope this helps Bryony.
by Lluxi
It is rather like a firmer Shepherd's Pie and you can slice it for sandwiches when cold :-))
by Rice
Thanks guys :)
Oh! So it's like a loaf version of a meatball?!
by Vee
Not a fan of either whatsoever.
I like both but agree with others that it's time for the singer to retire. As for the food meatloaf, I'm making it for dinner tonight with equal beef and sausage mince with a wonderful sauce glaze that is so tasty, you double the sauce. Yum, yum, yum!
I love a good home made meatloaf,just as in my childhood memories of them!! Easy to make,easy to eat and super for sandwiches the next day!!! We never used any meat other than beef in ours,so the flavour was much like Roast Beef.I have never been a fan of either sausages or sausage mince at all. I have been told they are delicious made with Lamb Mince as well!!
s for the singer,I feel that when the time to retire comes,it should be done in a dignified way,rather than dragging a career on and on and on.... I feel that this is unfortunately what the singer Meatloaf seems to be doing...He does not look or sound good at all these days,so I shall just enjoy his old music as I recall it being!!!!!
I've never really listened to music created by them.
I haven't eaten meatloaf for ages. I think there are so many nicer things to cook with mince. As for the singer he had a good voice at the time. He looks rough though . I don't really know him he's probably a nice person.
The Singer Meatloaf, I like the way he has variations of his most popular hits.
What won't he do for love?! I have always wondered about what it was he was referring to. I like that song...there is one more I like, but that is about it...and I don't know about the food as I haven't tried it.
by Vee
omg blast from the past...all though I would say he looks like OZZY OSBOURNE'S half brother. He was so famous back in the early 90's for that song...AND I WONT DO THAT!!!
I'll eat meatloaf, no problem. But I'd rather listen to paint dry than endure listening to him screech! And his songs go on FOREVER!
Hell Yea!
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