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Do you like eating eggs, and would you rather the yolk or the white?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you like eggs?

Do you prefer the whites or the yolks?

#Egg yolks
#Egg white
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I just love eggs done any way.
I could eat eggs at every meal and be happy - eggs are one of my top 4 favourite foods.

I love the yolk which i use the whites to dip into, but I also love the whites. If I had to chose I would probably pick the yolk but the two together are just delightful.

My favourite way of eating them is fried in butter, or hard or soft boiled.

However, at a buffet, I also take scrambled.. I am a true egg lover.
by Finy
Now I know Jules' answer as you have stated several times you are allergic to eggs -you poor thing!!
by Finy
Yolk only. Chalozae actually 'turns my stomach'!
I have poached eggs, & separate yolks from white, throw it out so I can't see it, then enjoy the 'runny' yolk with hot, buttered 'soldiers', & a 'cuppa'!

I do eat Omelette, & Scrambled Eggs, though. No longer eat fried eggs.

My Mother had to make sure the 'white' was extremely well beaten, if I was having Egg Nog (no liquor, though!), as a child. Otherwise, she had a 'mess' to clean-up, if I felt/tasted 'white'!
So sad! So Sad!!! As Finy mentioned,I am allergic to this wonderfully exciting and versatile food!!
We never knew this was the case when I was a child, and we LIVED on them,every way possible!!! No wonder I have always been so dreadfully ill and often in hospital!!!! But life is good as I enjoy so many other delicious foods!!
Yes. I use the whole egg. I like them scrambled or fried over easy, and in omelettes and baking.
Yes I like eggs, but don't eat too many.
I like both parts of that little gem.

After all....eating both is a lovely 'eggperience'.!
LOL Jonah!
by Finy
I LOVE eggs! We are actually about to get some chooks so that I can have fresh eggs all the time. The yolk is my favourite part - I love to dip my toast into it when its nice and soft. YUM!
I enjoy eating eggs. I like soft boiked eggs where I can dip my toast fingers into them. I love scrambled eggs with fresh parsley from my garden and deviled eggs with my salads.
Yes I love eggs, cooked anyway, but esp. Eggs Benedict with smoked salmon. I also eat them in pancakes about once a month. My nearly 2 year old granddaughter is allergic to the egg yolks only.
I like em a lot. Prefer to eat egg whites, but also enjoy them scrambled with butter.
I can take it or leave it but I do love a properly poached egg on toast.
by Gia
APART FROM LOVING THEM I forgot to say I like both white and yolk.
However egg white beaten with sesame oil milk and a little corn starch cooked like scrambled egg and served in a nest of fried vermmicili noodles is really yummy.
I really like eggs. If I had to choose just one part I would choose the white - but I would prefer not to have to choose
by AJ
I love eggs. I eat them whole and cook them in different ways: poached, fried, scrambled...
by Vee
Has to be BOTH!
OMG The yolks, if there isn't enough of the yolk mixed over the white I cant eat them. I just cant eat a whole piece of white. Just puts me right off. I love eggs though.
I love eggs and keep chickens. I know my chickens have a happy life so I think their eggs are particularly delicious- although also very expensive.
I probably prefer the yolk although I enjoy the white too. I have them in omelets, poached, steamed/boiled, sometimes fried- raw folded through hot pasta with lots of herbs, egg custard. Very versatile food.
Definitely the Yolk, you can always save the whites for making meringues.

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